Hello, all! I’ve been an employee at Target for over two years and I’m ready to move on. I started out as a seasonal cashier in 2017, and I worked in that position for about a year before I started working at guest service.
Although it has very strong competition, guest service is arguably the worst department in the whole store.
Have any other stores eliminated the morning cart attendant? My store has slowly chipped away and pushed the closing attendant to be the only scheduled usually starting at 3. So until I clock in, the restrooms are untouched, the garbage just piles up, the lot becomes a mess, and the PMT leaves before I even walk in.
*Sigh* Where do I even begin. Well I guess I should start off by saying I still work here because its the only job that has a good starting pay. ($11 bucks an hour for a first job when minimum wage is $8.06 in Florida Humidity is not that bad.
So, my name is Jimmy I am an African American male, underweight, (112 lB), 18 yrs old, and most of the time (when I don’t want to bike home at midnight and take an uber/lyft) I bike home to/from work (about 3 miles). I’m the new Cart Attendant at Store 12873 in Good ‘ol Redneck Pensacola, FL. I recently graduated high school with a 3.7 GPA and currently looking for a second job so I can pay for college and find a roomate.
I was reluctant to write this but I figured if I could deter even one person from working at Target as cart attendant then I have succeeded.
I started working for target about 2 years ago,(quit just before my 2 years) took the job because I figured I could use some money and experience since it was my first job. The hiring process took about 2 weeks which wasn’t too bad. Although I have heard from several people that the hiring process took at least a month.
I’ve been working as a Cart Attendant at Target for the summer. It’s been pretty good, but today I had the misfortune of working under a very grouchy GSTL who verbally berated me for the silliest, most immature reason you could ever possibly think of. Here’s what happened.
Okay so I’ve worked at target for about four months and at first it felt like a family like the GSA’s and GSTL cared but that shits a fucking joke. I started as a cashier like every single person who works at target and i enjoyed it, i got red cards at least 5 every week. Then we lost a cart attendant and then one quit so they decided since i was a guy i could do slave labor for insulting amounts of money.
So here it is. The Target that I work at scheduled four cart attendants to work at the same time on Thanksgiving. The four of us agreed that two would do the outside work and two would do the inside.
I couldn’t wait to quit target to post about it so watch out because it’s a long rant. I started working at the hell hole that is target at around beginning of July and my God was applying here is a giant mistake. I got called and interviewed and started as a cashier as most of us do and as target does best they hounded me and harassed me to get red cards, breathing over my neck, coaching me, role playing, amongst other bullshit and no your little incentive of Starbucks or little bag of goodies doesn’t make me more compelled to get red cards so fuck off.
It’s hard to describe Target as a whole since each store can vary greatly depending on who works there and how they do things. But here is what mine is like:
It’s summer down here in Southern California. Temperatures are well within the 95’s. On good days it’s around 84-85. I can tell you right now this is a rant so rant [ON]