How can a company expect its workers to be fine with the fact that they overwork every employee and expect them to be ok with it? You can’t. See my store, the higher ups act like they are all powerful by giving us workers shitty hours and no time to do our job.
It’s hard to describe Target as a whole since each store can vary greatly depending on who works there and how they do things. But here is what mine is like:
This will be first of many posts. Let’s start off by saying I was hired in as a seasonal sales floor team member in November of 2014. I became known as the “closer” and got 35-40 hours a week and was pretty content with that. Then I was told that I would become a regular team member.
So I worked for target in a hardlines position for a good 3 months only to be fired two days before my ninety days was up. While California is an at will employment state they don’t need a reason. They need even less while in your ninety days. From day one my boss had a vendetta against me. She consistently gave me three departments to cover usually toys hba and sporting goods. Toward the end of my shift she would bring everyone over to point of things I did wrong and have everyone fix my horrible zone. When she fired me i asked for a reason why and she gave me the arbitrary reason of “I just feel like this job isn’t a good fit for you.” later do I find out that my executive team lead didn’t even know she wanted to fire me and that HR said if she wanted me gone she would have to be the one to do it.
I was hired in early October. Not once in any interviews did they say anything about me being a seasonal worker. All of my paperwork says Hardlines, Part-Time, stuff like that, yet I am treated as a seasonal employee and constantly reminded about how my time may be limited now that I am working there. What happens if they try to let me go at the end of the season for being a “Seasonal Worker” when that isn’t documented at all? I won’t be too heartbroken if they make me leave but is that even legal? To document me as one kind of worker and then try to say I’m not and get rid of me? What are my options if this happens? Has anyone else had this experience?
I just finished reading TargetEqualsShell’s comment and it’s like I’m looking in a mirror! I’ve almost been with Target for seven years. I’m at six right now. But the constant flak I take from Team Leads is beyond the pale. I’m originally from New York, okay? When we had jobs over there, people cussed their heads off. Cussing was part of everyday language. Now that I live in the deep south (Hades), I have spent years dumbing down my New York accent and eliminating all cusswords from my everyday vocabulary. I let loose when I get home, but I keep it clean at work.
That’s not my problem. These TLs have such NERVE. They think they actually have legitimate power over our souls!
Ok so here’s my story. I worked the overnight shift during a supremely busy Christmas season at a store that was very busy to begin with. I will tell you guys this right away: never work overnights at target. If you think the day shift is bad, you haven’t seen anything. Several people I worked with had already filed workers comp for RSI injuries sustained while working.
My job was reshop. Every single day, that’s all I did. Usually just me, occasionally they threw me a helper. I’ll spoil the ending, after the Christmas season was over, I got pinkslipped for not doing it fast enough. Maybe I was slow? I don’t know for a good two months my TLs said I was doing just fine. Then come January, suddenly sorting and pushing 25-30 (50+ during the entire week after Christmas) entire, mostly unsorted carts of reshop (with up to three full carts of dvds when sorting was over and done with) over the course of the night wasn’t good enough. They didn’t give me a good solid number or time frame for when I should have been done. At one point we actually had a conversation where my TL told me “It shouldn’t take all night to put away 17 carts”, to which I had point out they’d delivered 8 more while I was working. I don’t know, am I really that slow? Should I really have been averaging less than 10 minutes per cart? It’s not like I had anyone else to compare my performance to, or a hard number goal to work towards. But I know I wasn’t being lazy, at the very least.
I worked for Target for about a month before I got canned a couple of days ago; and I’m not even depressed that about it. It was a nice experience at first, but after a while it just became ridiculous and I found myself disgusted. I had heard stories that Wal-Mart treated their employees like crap, but Target has taken that crown.
When I applied to Target, I was supposed to be interviewed for a Hardlines position. The ETL I interviewed with seemed pretty excited to have me, but I think that excitement quickly faded when he realized that I actually posed some kind of threat to his job (I’m a college graduate and I grew up around a family business, so I wasn’t a spring chicken). He actually at one point looked me dead in the face and said, “I better be careful, or I just might lose my job to you”. At first I took that as a compliment, thinking that he actually appreciated my prowess and my desire to learn. NOPE! After my drug test and background check came back, HR called me and said that they could not offer me a position in Hardlines, but rather a position in Softlines. This should have sent up a huge red flag for me, but instead I brushed it off and accepted the job anyway. Target’s little anti-union video should have been my second red flag, but again, I dismissed and ignored it.