I’ve been working for target for about 8 months now and everytime I walk through the door I want to turn around. If the guests weren’t enough, the management is no better. What do you guys hate about working guest service?
This is going to be a long rant, sorry. Strap in!
So, a little background. I’m a very anxiety filled person (as my username may make obvious) and working retail is the worst mistake I ever made.
Oh target where do I even start with this awful hatrid. It is now to the point where I dread work and my 50 cent raise above minimum wage doesn’t do jack squat anymore. It all starts when I walk into the office before my shift to get a locker. I open one and it’s full of tuperware, I open another and it has a lunch box. Really?? Is it THAT hard you can’t possibly dig out a quarter and lock your fucking locker? There is a goddammed fridge for a reason also. I then hang up my jacket, which there really is no point because by the end of my shift its always on the floor anyways knocked off by employees who leave it there. I then attempt to punch in and let it beep at me for five hours and then walk onto the floor as cashier. I check to see what lane I’m on and set up my register with the 2 ten dollar bills they give you which run out after one “guest”. I hang my flimsy ass bags that never fail to stick together and end up all over the floor. Before I even have a chance to turn on my lane light I already have a line of people waiting to be checked out screaming “Are you open???” understaffed again I see. I mumble yes, and they start to unload their cart with mulitple of the same item that they will try and use their fake fraudulent $20 dollar off coupons for razors that don’t even match their item.
So I’ve been with target for 2 months now, and this is what I’ve gotten so far. I work as cart attendant and rarely as cashier. I love being outside doing carts(if it wasn’t so hot out). But every time i get one side caught up and the other side is completely empty, our LOD asks me to cover a couple of breaks. So when i’m done with that and i go back out to do carts, 5 minutes into it, i get a call on the walkie saying “cart attendant, we have no carts on blue side”. and I can’t say anything back to them except “that’s clear”. It’s like they’re completely oblivious as to why they have none. That, and now they have me come in from 1-5pm almost everyday except Sunday(i close), so from 8am-1pm no one is getting carts. SO when i come in, we have none and i get a “talking to” that i need to start hustling to get the carts in.
My two supervisors, who are the worst people ever, can never be found on the front lanes like they have to be.
Hello guys.
Came to Albany, OR store, and purchased 6 Febreze items, $2.99 each. kinda of home spray, to kill scent.
I have had coupons to take one item free with purchase of 2 similar. Coupon not to exceed $3.99
When came to register, cashier just scanned coupon, not reading content.
Register took $3.99 off.
I have pointed on it to cashier, she got stuck for being not knowing how to fix it.
Customer service manager came, got mad, that I take 6 items, accused of store clean-up, and refused to complete sale.
Wondering, if someone can help locate Oregon stores district manager, so I can ask my questions to him, or her. thanks
I just finished reading TargetEqualsShell’s comment and it’s like I’m looking in a mirror! I’ve almost been with Target for seven years. I’m at six right now. But the constant flak I take from Team Leads is beyond the pale. I’m originally from New York, okay? When we had jobs over there, people cussed their heads off. Cussing was part of everyday language. Now that I live in the deep south (Hades), I have spent years dumbing down my New York accent and eliminating all cusswords from my everyday vocabulary. I let loose when I get home, but I keep it clean at work.
That’s not my problem. These TLs have such NERVE. They think they actually have legitimate power over our souls!
I quit my job as a pharmacist with Target back in January, and have had ZERO regrets about it. It was glaringly obvious that corporate didn’t give a shit about pharmacy as a profession, and only saw us as a money-making opportunity for them.
The first thing that happened that made me question Target’s intentions was that over half of the pharmacists in my city had to re-interview for their jobs. Even though I managed to keep my job, it soon became crystal clear what Target’s endgame was: the pharmacists who WERE let go were all older, and had been with the company the longest. Target was screwing these employees out of their pensions. Truly sickening.
Let me first start by saying that this is the greatest web site ever conceived.
So here is my story of BS Target experience. I started working for the Garland Texas, Super Target in 2005 as a Backroom Team Member working the overnight shift. After 2 years I decided that I wanted to try dayside Produce out, it wasn’t a bad racket, I had 40 hours a week, benefits, certifications on backroom equipment, and a lot of respect among some, but not all of my former co-workers.
I bought an iced-tea maker on clearance. Two days later my friend bought the same one for half the price. I went back to Target with my receipt for them to adjust the price the day after my friend got his. So THREE days after I purchased the iced-tea maker, they told me there was nothing they could do to adjust the price it’s “against their store policy to adjust clearance items.” FUCK THAT! I had it for 3 days and the day before my friend gets it for half the price, what the hell is that about? They told me the only thing I could do is return it for a refund, and let it go through the return process. IF they put it back on the shelf I can repurchase it at the discounted price. IF I find it.
How the hell is this policy good for business, or their customers? I can just return the crap and they can be stuck with USED clearance items. Which I did. I returned it and they can go fuck themselves. Ok, I only sort of returned it. They had a display model left, which I purchased at the discounted price, put it in the box from the one I had at home and returned it for the original purchase price. Take that! shitty customer service bastards! Small victory, but a victory just the same.
I bought an iced-tea maker on clearance. Two days later my friend bought the same one for half the price. I went back to Target with my receipt for them to adjust the price the day after my friend got his. So THREE days after I purchased the iced-tea maker, they told me there was nothing they could do to adjust the price it’s “against their store policy to adjust clearance items.” FUCK THAT! I had it for 3 days and the day before my friend gets it for half the price, what the hell is that about? They told me the only thing I could do is return it for a refund, and let it go through the return process. IF they put it back on the shelf I can repurchase it at the discounted price. IF I find it.
How the hell is this policy good for business, or their customers? I can just return the crap and they can be stuck with USED clearance items. Which I did. I returned it and they can go fuck themselves. Ok, I only sort of returned it. They had a display model left, which I purchased at the discounted price, put it in the box from the one I had at home and returned it for the original purchase price. Take that! shitty customer service bastards! Small victory, but a victory just the same.