I found this site after getting fired from Target after working a week since I was so angry and wanted to find somewhere to spew my hatred for what they did to me and after a long wait, I finally tell my story.
Ok so I was desperately looking for a job near my college campus for easy commuting in December so I applied to the Target near there since they were hiring at the time and the city had a lot of working opportunity.
I started as a seasonal worker in October and at first it was fun, making above minimum wage and working with other kids. But soon enough I learned Target culture, and here are some things I’m already sick of:
Before I get started here’s some background on myself. I’m a very loyal employee. I don’t just quit, I always give notice. I have always worked at a place longer than 3 years. Not Target though. See, I got hired and at orientation they bragged about the atmosphere of Target being a great place to work. Now being in retail for 11+ years I should’ve know what a farce that was, but I digress. I have never seen such awful management.
So I am the type of person that gives everyone a chance. I mean everybody is entitled to a bad day and I just don’t base opinions on rumors and first impressions. But my God.
Got hired, hate it. Can’t switch positions or to another Target because I’m under that insanely stupid 90-day policy that only benefits Target. Looking into quitting before I can fulfil the 90 days.. sure, I’ll taint my name, but it’s gotten so bad that I don’t care anymore.
I’ve been working for target for about 8 months now and everytime I walk through the door I want to turn around. If the guests weren’t enough, the management is no better. What do you guys hate about working guest service?
I have had a lot of health problems within my life, so most recently I lost a lot of hearing. 75% hearing loss, and I can only hear out of one ear with the low 75% hearing loss, other deaf forever. So I got that fixed somewhat by a audiologist to raise hearing aids to the max level, so I can hear a lot better but I have tinnitus ringing fuzzy of voice, music, and anything else.
This is going to be a long rant, sorry. Strap in!
So, a little background. I’m a very anxiety filled person (as my username may make obvious) and working retail is the worst mistake I ever made.
How can a company expect its workers to be fine with the fact that they overwork every employee and expect them to be ok with it? You can’t. See my store, the higher ups act like they are all powerful by giving us workers shitty hours and no time to do our job.
It’s hard to describe Target as a whole since each store can vary greatly depending on who works there and how they do things. But here is what mine is like:
About two months ago, I was hired as a cashier. I was really desperate to leave my old job at the time and target was in fact offering me slightly more money than my old job. Everything seemed great at first. I had five years of cashier experience under my belt and assumed it would be a fairly easy and enjoyable job. I was wrong. I had no idea about the red cards. I knew about them as a target shopper, but didn’t know how much they were really pushed. My first two weeks were great. I didn’t even know about selling red cards until my third or fourth shift when they finally told me to start asking people.