Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Tag / rude

  • December 12, 2019 - shay5

    Less than 2 months and plenty of issues

    I’ve been working at Target for about a month and a half now. The day of my interview I got into a minor car accident which really should’ve been seen as a sign for how my job there would go. As a sidenote/preface of sorts, this is only my second job ever and my first in retail.

  • November 26, 2014 - Zkg123

    Do not work here

    So I worked for target in a hardlines position for a good 3 months only to be fired two days before my ninety days was up. While California is an at will employment state they don’t need a reason. They need even less while in your ninety days. From day one my boss had a vendetta against me. She consistently gave me three departments to cover usually toys hba and sporting goods. Toward the end of my shift she would bring everyone over to point of things I did wrong and have everyone fix my horrible zone. When she fired me i asked for a reason why and she gave me the arbitrary reason of “I just feel like this job isn’t a good fit for you.” later do I find out that my executive team lead didn’t even know she wanted to fire me and that HR said if she wanted me gone she would have to be the one to do it.

  • Whenever the data breach happened, our ETLs went completely crazy. You couldn’t turn on a walkie without hearing “WHERE ARE WE AT ON REDCARDS?!”

    Obviously people put up with it. They had to. But I decided I didn’t want to anymore. So a really bitchy ETL came over the walkie and was asking Electronics why we haven’t gotten any redcards. This is where shit went down.

  • November 24, 2013 - Bebo101

    My worst nightmare!

    I started working for target on the 5th of November. This is my very first job. I really did not need a job but I needed the experience. I am studying to become a Registered Nurse and later a CRNA. My first day was great because I had 2 wonderful ladies training me. However, the other 2 are just plain HORRIBLE. They are rude and look at me like I don’t know a thing. The 2 wonderful women that trained me were impressed as how fast I learned everything because of the fact that I never in my life cashiered. Anyway, those two are just plain rude and evil. They talk about employees that work under them like they’re worthless and scum.

  • November 14, 2013 - Taylor_167

    Working as cashier for Holiday season

    I’m fairly new to the cash register… The holidays are coming up and I really need some advice on what it’s like to work as a cashier during the holidays. I know it’s going to be super crowded.Does that mean that time will go by fast since everyone is going to be at the registers? How many cashiers do they hire? Also, I’m scared that my conversions are going to go down cause I know the computer is going to prompt us like crazy…also the rude guests? How do I deal with them?

    Just any advice you all can offer to me to make sure I don’t blow it?



  • November 10, 2013 - Taylor_167

    Chances of getting cross trained

    My 90 day eval is coming up next week I’m so nervous. I dealt with a rude customer a while ago which really upset me and they knew that…afraid they won’t wanna keep me around.I’m a cashier and I’ve managed to get 5 red cards in the course of 3 months. I’m not exactly sure what my conversion is. Anyways, what do I expect at a 90 day evaluation? I’m so nervous! I really wanna be cross trained! How can I achieve that?!
