Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Tag / Target

  • August 16, 2017 - Nergal

    Why I quit…

    I was reluctant to write this but I figured if I could deter even one person from working at Target as cart attendant then I have succeeded.

    I started working for target about 2 years ago,(quit just before my 2 years) took the job because I figured I could use some money and experience since it was my first job. The hiring process took about 2 weeks which wasn’t too bad. Although I have heard from several people that the hiring process took at least a month.

  • September 5, 2016 - SamRan

    The heavily remorse case

    Got hired, hate it. Can’t switch positions or to another Target because I’m under that insanely stupid 90-day policy that only benefits Target. Looking into quitting before I can fulfil the 90 days.. sure, I’ll taint my name, but it’s gotten so bad that I don’t care anymore.

  • April 13, 2016 - Nergal

    The Rant of a Cart Attendant.

    I’ve posted here before regarding different issues but I’m back with a new issue.

    The last few weeks to my surprise have been quite nice and that’s coming from someone who can’t stop for a single second to take a break because “carts”. However, naturally weekends are always busy and I mean hectic busy. I can’t help but wonder why is it that on the most busy days we only have 1 cart attendant scheduled at a time. Well, here’s my theory surrounding this issue.

  • February 3, 2016 - 666target666

    Over Target

    I’ve been working at target fr a couple of months now as a cashier i’ve passed my 90 days and from the start have gotten the most redcards out of any other cashier, BUT THAT STILL ISNT ENOUGH!!!


    I think it’s safe to say Target has sunk to a new low. Everyday they seem to become worse and worse. I feel sorry for the mother  and the family. No one deserves to go through with something like this. No parent deserves to lose their child let alone their only child. I wish the mother good luck with her lawsuit. Maybe this will shine a light on how horrible it is to work for Target to the public. Rot in hell Target!

  • December 4, 2014 - PhoneBitch101

    I Do Not Know (or Care)

    First, just wanna holla out to all my Fitting Room/Operators out there! It is a tough gig that everyone thinks is easy! Boy, am I OVER it!

    Anyway, I work at (and have been since June) a Target in California and naturally as the rest of the country is approaching winter and getting snow, it is raining like CRAZY here. And OH am I SICK of hearing people ask/complain about nonexistent rain gear. I even had this older dude go off on me with some tirade about how he doesn’t understand why Target doesn’t have winter gear (in my head I heard “winter”) and that he’s gonna tell all his friends and family not to go to Target to get “winter” gear because there isn’t any. And that if at a meeting we might have (as if we hold any kind of meetings at Target) if I could speak up on his behalf (as if I, a bottom of the food chain worker have any say in anything) and maybe mention getting some “winter” gear AKA RAIN gear because California does not have winter. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve tried to explain the concept of “seasonal” to people. Like, NO we don’t have fucking bathing suits in November (but actually just wait ’til this week ’cause apparently they’re coming).

  • Lets set the scene.

    -Disclaimer to any of my Softline TM or the guy in the backroom who quit right before I did. You guys were the best TM ever. Fuck the higher ups.-

    I’m 18, a full time student, and worked at the busiest, and richest(meaning guests were hella rich), Target in my area. I’m talking Tiger Woods, Shaq, and owner of all the West Gate Resorts kind of rich(he’s building the biggest family home in america. 52 bathrooms big). I get it your RICH! But you don’t have to be so mean or creepy(we’ll get to that in a bit). This was my second job, first in retail. I don’t know if all retail is like this, but if it is, I don’t ever want to do retail again.

  • September 20, 2014 - TargetGuestsSuck

    Fuck Your Can Opener

    So the other day, as my coworker and I were shooting outs in cosmetics, after being there nearly the entire shift, we had a LOVELY guest. As you all know, I hate guests. However, I extra hate extra bitchy guests who think they are right. Don’t tell me the guest is always right, because trust me, this bitch was fifty shades of fucked up.

    Guestzilla – Where are your electric can openers?

  • September 15, 2014 - pimpedbytarget

    Recent Hire

    I graduated in July this year, going to community college and needed a job. So, about a month ago I got hired at Target for backroom team member, I’ve had the old guard bitching at me how their hours were cut ( basically the management that hired me, are the new guys, the old management was fired for doing a shitty job, all the TL, LOD’s, ETL’s and STL) and they were pissed cause the new management isn’t what they like.  So far its going ok, I avoid the bullshit out on the floor cause I’m in the back, busting my balls, kissing ETL & TL ass (although both are great, TL works with us most of the time, and my etl – logistics – she’s really cool, hard worker — up to 60 hours a week, once from 3 am to 5 pm almost never takes lunch or break—-, since she’s got a lot of pressure on her to make sure things are good), anyways to get back —-  and never agreeing to go cashier or be crosstrained, fuck that shit, especially after reading the posts on here.

  • Work the register, they said. it will be easy, they said. Now, I dont know when I was pronounced the Queen of Target, but apparently I am, and guest think so as well. There must have been a sign on me that said “I make the Fucking Sales Prices for Target, come to me”…..guest complain and get upset all the time when they realize their item isnt the price they thought it was..TOUGH FUCKING SHIT, MAN UP! I dont care if you found the fucking pillow in the clearance section, the machine says its not on clearance!
