Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

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  • Fuck Target Middle FInger

    November 10, 2019 - TargetSucks

    10 Years of Target Hate

    Target sucks. FUCK them. But happy anniversary to this website! 10 years now we’ve been hating on the big box of doom. Reading the stories on this site, and how common the bullshit is, amazes me that those cunts are still in business.


    Hey Tarshit, Fuck You!


    Fuck Target Middle FInger

  • May 7, 2019 - DestroyTarget

    T-2443 Closed in 2017

    Oh boy, where to start?


    I haven’t posted since I worked at Tarshit way back in ye olde 2014 and I couldn’t help but laugh at all the old shit I posted. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I still think what I experienced there was godawful but it’s hilarious and unbelievable how much shit I put up with from the ignorant-ass customers to the shitty LOD/GSA’s or whatever you call ’em (why can’t we just call them managers??). My anxiety was high as fuck back then, too, so everything really took a toll on me. Anyway, this is super late news, but I am proud to share that the target of East Roswell had closed in January 2017. And good riddance!! Reading my posts brought back so many memories.

  • I found this site after getting fired from Target after working a week since I was so angry and wanted to find somewhere to spew my hatred for what they did to me and after a long wait, I finally tell my story.

    Ok so I was desperately looking for a job near my college campus for easy commuting in December so I applied to the Target near there since they were hiring at the time and the city had a lot of working opportunity.

  • June 12, 2018 - redrose

    Exercise your right to vote

    Remember to vote on June13, 2018. Your voice counts. Let’s get new people in corporate level.  Vote.

  • September 5, 2016 - SamRan

    The heavily remorse case

    Got hired, hate it. Can’t switch positions or to another Target because I’m under that insanely stupid 90-day policy that only benefits Target. Looking into quitting before I can fulfil the 90 days.. sure, I’ll taint my name, but it’s gotten so bad that I don’t care anymore.

  • March 31, 2016 - qveencam

    Availability Auto Denied

    So, I never really request time off. Im there when I need to be, doing my job as a cashier. Im 18 its my senior year and prom is soon. My mom is one of those people who like to be there every step of the way between choosing my dress, shoes, hair, makeup, etc.

  • January 6, 2016 - TargetEmployee22

    Fuck Tarshit

    Here’s a little bit about me. I am a minor (17), this is my first job, and I am a female employer. I’m a hardworker and i’m extremely outgoing with customers.

    Its been about 3 months working at Target. I was excited to work here considering i’ve shopped here with my family for years. I enjoy working in Electronics, but overal hate the store and the dumbass LOD’s and shit.

  • October 6, 2015 - Sniper

    Target is like the Planet of the Apes???

    How can a company expect its workers to be fine with the fact that they overwork every employee and expect them to be ok with it? You can’t. See my store, the higher ups act like they are all powerful by giving us workers shitty hours and no time to do our job.

  • September 1, 2015 - Redday

    Repetitive Stress Injury in Softlines

    Has anyone ever experienced a RSI from hanging clothing (pinching motion)  and placing hangers on Z racks? My right shoulder started bothering me about a year after doing the same thing, day after day.

  • July 24, 2015 - cathairisthenewblack

    Too much work for not enough pay

    I worked at my local Target for four years as a softlines brand team member.  The pay sucked, but the stress was low and hours flexible so I stayed.  After Target’s multi billion dollar fiasco in Canada, the shit really started to roll downhill.  As people left, positions never got replaced.  Softlines in my store was hit especially hard.  
