So, I never really request time off. Im there when I need to be, doing my job as a cashier. Im 18 its my senior year and prom is soon. My mom is one of those people who like to be there every step of the way between choosing my dress, shoes, hair, makeup, etc.
I’m a back room team member at our location. Recently I came in to close, not knowing what I was walking in to. The TL tells me as he’s about to clock out: “Oh yeah, check for online orders would ya?” I look and there’s 8 orders, as much as 4 hours overdue.
Note that this legit is not happening to me but is happening to a co-worker of mine instead. Years ago my co-worker had the Target Redcard (the credit card one) and defaulted on it before they ever became a Target employee. They were having financial troubles at the time thanks to the housing market crisis that took place across the good ol’ USA (thanks banks for screwing the little man over yet again with that [whole other topic however]!). So they defaulted on the red card and eventually the debt was paid off fully. Keyword being fully here, guys. A little more than a year ago this person became a Target employee. Not more than about 2 weeks ago now a letter was sent to the store regarding this default that took place years before they ever became an employee at Target. First red flag. Shouldn’t this kind of personal mail be sent to your home address and not your business’ address, even though it comes from the company at which you are an employee? The letter states that about 25% of his paychecks will be garnished to pay off this debt, which by the way was already paid off years before he ever became employed there. It also stated that if they want to refute the company’s actions or even the said debt itself, they must hire a private attorney.
I have been working at Target as a cashier since the start of this May. Things were going pretty good for a while until the holiday season came around and I discovered back over a month ago I am actually pregnant. Right now I am about 19 weeks pregnant and my team leads have been aware of this for over a month now. However, I have been rather troubled with how things have been run at my store since the new senior team lead started her new role. Nice lady but she has some very unrealistic expectations (freshly graduated from college).
So I thought this was a job where we’re all adults just working for a paycheck but APPARENTLY its high school all over again. Actually, I didn’t even have this much drama in high school. So a GSTL calls me into her office this morning all cheerful and I’m thinking oh it’s about scheduling or training or being two minutes late or some bullshit. She makes me wait for her to get off the phone. Then goes “so I’ve recieved some negative feedback from other team members about you which I was surprised to hear.” I was devastated. The only thing I like about my job are the people I work with.
Hired as a seasonal employee I took the role of a Human Resource Team Member. Being told how good I’ve been doing – doing the stupid 3-11 shifts (including new years, christmas eve, and thanksgiving) because my Team Leader said we all have to start somewhere. It was so horrible! Not only do you have to do your own specific job in human resources for some idiotic reason we also have to give over 100 team members their equipment, sign it out for them, go after them for punch corrections, post schedules while everyone’s on you telling you to hurry, having the phone ring ring ring and having to buzz people in the god damn man trap, psssttt that was a piece of cake for just $8.75/hr.