Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.
  • May 14, 2014 - walllamp


    So I have been working at Target for about a year now. I immediately cross trained all over the place. In this time I have been cashier, cart attendant, food ave, guest service, sales floor, flow team, electronics, and I started building bikes. In the past few months I actually took over building bikes. I work my ass off constantly for this stupid job. They are constantly calling me on walkie and asking me to do six different jobs at once and I will pull it off somehow with spur of the moment thinking. So working after nearly a year of working my ass off with ridiculous expectations I go in to a meeting with one of our GSTLs and one of our ETLs. They were talking about the raises they are giving out. They hand me my paper saying I am now being paid eleven cents more than I was when I started. When I asked why it was such a small number the reply was such shit.
    “We don’t feel you work hard enough.”
    I literally just an hour before this meeting came in took out trash, grabbed paper bags for the front, grabbed three items off the floor, found my boss and got his keys for someone, got 4 items from the back, gave my boss back his keys, and delivered everything where it needed to go, took out trash, and dispersed the bags through the registers… AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME. Do you know what happened right after I finished doing all this shit at once. My boss complained I took too long to do it.

  • Okay so I had been at target for about a year , when I first started this job I was very optimistic.  However that changed really quickly. After about my first month there I wanted to quit, because they give there employees little to no training. All that computer shit don”t count what is anyone really learning.  For me i learn hands on and there wasn’t much training for that such a piss off to me and everyone who started around the same time as me. We’ve all been wondering how you give someone 10 mins of hands on training and then leave them and when they we ask a question they act as if were dumb WTF

  • May 12, 2014 - pentiger

    Sister store to the rescue!

    I work in a Target store that has been very understaffed for years now.  Our flow team, my team, currently takes trucks with about 12 people everyday, 5 days a week usually.  We need at least 5 more people for things to get any where near done any given day.  But of course we are told that everyone is failing drug tests or background checks.  So we get to suffer rolling one day in to the next.  Today is Monday May 12 and tomorrow we are supposed to get a huge visit from the regional manager, great.  So what does Target do?  They send in people from 3 other stores to get everything pushed and the entire backroom backstocked and clean.  Wouldn’t be bad if they weren’t gossiping half the time, or they gave our team the jobs that require you to know the store.  Instead the other stores go in to our backroom to backstock everything.  This is the 3rd time this has happened and last time THE MANAGER DIDN’T EVEN SHOW UP!!!  Now we get to spend the next 4 months fixing everything they just screwed up in our backroom while we all feel that we suck.  Another wonderful day at Target.

  • I finally quit Target.  And I feel great!  I have never worked in such a negative, discouraging environment in my life, but now I’m outta there!

    I feel silly, though, that it took me a year to realize that, contrary to what they like to tell you, Target does NOT promote from within…unless you kiss some major TL/ETL butt.

  • So I’ve worked for this AAAAAAMAZINGLY shitty company for 6 years now. I came to Target straight out of high school to pay for community college. After working my way up from cashier to service desk, I was “promoted” to a specality job that I loved. I was there for 5 years and recently went on loa for school (my CC does a 3+1 degree with a major state university. So in order to graduate with my bachelor’s business degree, I absolutely had to live at the main campus and attend classes there.) My problem now is that I want to come back since I’ve graduated. My manager filled my position with someone else (which we were struggling as it was with me on board. It wasn’t uncommon for me to get 9-15 hrs a week back there because “the other team members had seniority” according to my manager). She said if I want to keep my specality pay (I left at $12.47) I need to transfer to another store that has an opening (that’s +30 miles away from my current store). Hr said I can choose to stay at my store, but I’ll be back to min wage (and basically fucking over my previous 5 raises). So is there something I can do about this? I feel if I hadn’t gone specality and stayed a cashier, I would still be making more than min wage now. Can they just take my raises away like that? Can they fill my position if I’m on loa? Why can’t the new guy go to the other store instead of me? I don’t really understand loa since hr handled all of it for me, but isn’t my position guaranteed for me when I return? I need some advice please!!!!

  • - SayNo2RedCards

    Are you serious?

    Just wanted to share. Been working there for 2 years. Got hired as a seasonal cashier for the Thanksgiving and Christmas season and later on got a permanent position.


    Heres where things get interesting, a year passes by and these new seasonal cashiers are coming in and guess what? Theyre getting cross trained all over the place! What. The. F*ck. Ive been asking for 2 years to get cross trained, but nope. Stayed a cashier for 2 years. Not just that, they were getting paid almost the same wage as I was too! Another What. The. F*ck. I got 7.75 when I first got hired and worked up to 8.28. But these new seasonals were getting 8.25! They had no experience whatsoever too! Just writing this makes me angry. 2 years and got treated like a slave. Target got me f*cked up. So f*ck all you LODS, GSTLS, ETL, guests and most of all, F*CK YOU RED CARDs! K Im done. ;D

  • I remember asking my interviewer why she liked working at target. I now know she was telling me such bullshit.

    I’ve been extremely frustrated over the fact I’ve been after my final paycheck for over two months. Always a new excuse as to why I cannot have it. “We mailed it to you” “We don’t know where it could be ” ” Call ADP ” “Call Target Help line” “Contact HR” I NEVER KNEW it would be such a hassle to get what I worked hard for. Labour Board is now involved. Isn’t it easier to give over owed money than to file paperwork ? They were hoping I’d give up and leave them alone.

  • So, we have another awesome fuck up from the world’s worst LOD that I ranted about in my last post!


    I thankfully am out of Target and am going to school full time again, but my girlfriend hasn’t been so lucky, she’s stuck with those failures at Tarshit, and she’s found out a ridiculous abuse from the world’s worst LOD.

  • I have been a cart attendant at target for about 9 months now and i already want to kill myself. When i first got the job all I thought i had to do was go outside and get carts, pretty easy rite? I later found out that i was pretty much the stores janitor. i have to clean up disgusting shit filled restrooms, i clean up spills around the store, i pretty much do everything that no one else in the store wants to do. and i am only payed 7.88.. target is the biggest disgrace to mankind there is. they treat their employees like shit, while they sit on their thrown and laugh at our expense. i have never seen any of the lods at my store do any type of work unless the DTL is in the store. then they actually work their asses off. i can not wait to leave this shit hole and find a job where the employees are treated like people. not animals.

  • - targetblows

    Forever Coached

    It seems that these days Im getting coached every week for my shitty red card conversion score, should I be worried? Or can I continue to just keep nodding my head and keep saying that Ill do better next week. I couldn’t care less about red cards to be honest I just want to earn my check and get the fuck out, pretty sure Im up to like 5 coachings now, anyways was hoping to hear from someone who has experience with coachings.

    P.S. props to the guy that made and runs this sites sure makes me feel better that other people feel the same way as me about this fucking store.
