I bought an iced-tea maker on clearance. Two days later my friend bought the same one for half the price. I went back to Target with my receipt for them to adjust the price the day after my friend got his. So THREE days after I purchased the iced-tea maker, they told me there was nothing they could do to adjust the price it’s “against their store policy to adjust clearance items.” FUCK THAT! I had it for 3 days and the day before my friend gets it for half the price, what the hell is that about? They told me the only thing I could do is return it for a refund, and let it go through the return process. IF they put it back on the shelf I can repurchase it at the discounted price. IF I find it.
How the hell is this policy good for business, or their customers? I can just return the crap and they can be stuck with USED clearance items. Which I did. I returned it and they can go fuck themselves. Ok, I only sort of returned it. They had a display model left, which I purchased at the discounted price, put it in the box from the one I had at home and returned it for the original purchase price. Take that! shitty customer service bastards! Small victory, but a victory just the same.
I bought an iced-tea maker on clearance. Two days later my friend bought the same one for half the price. I went back to Target with my receipt for them to adjust the price the day after my friend got his. So THREE days after I purchased the iced-tea maker, they told me there was nothing they could do to adjust the price it’s “against their store policy to adjust clearance items.” FUCK THAT! I had it for 3 days and the day before my friend gets it for half the price, what the hell is that about? They told me the only thing I could do is return it for a refund, and let it go through the return process. IF they put it back on the shelf I can repurchase it at the discounted price. IF I find it.
How the hell is this policy good for business, or their customers? I can just return the crap and they can be stuck with USED clearance items. Which I did. I returned it and they can go fuck themselves. Ok, I only sort of returned it. They had a display model left, which I purchased at the discounted price, put it in the box from the one I had at home and returned it for the original purchase price. Take that! shitty customer service bastards! Small victory, but a victory just the same.
I bought a PS3 Slim. My old one had the YLOD/RLOD (Yellow/Red Light of Death) and over-heated and died 3 times (I repaired it each time). So I bought the PS3 Slim and was deciding whether or not to buy the 3 Year Warranty. I decided for the $30 it would cost me it would be worth it, so I went back to Target with the original receipt, and tried to purchase the warranty. None of the morons that worked there could figure how to sell the warranty even though I was told I just need to bring the receipt in to add it on within 90 days.
So the morons behind the counter tried calling the manager on duty to come help. They paged her 3 times to customer service and the lazy bitch didn’t come. Instead, she asked what they needed. They explained and she told them that if it’s not working I should drive home and bring the PS3 in. I asked the morons behind the counter “is she too lazy to come up here?” and they replied “yeah, all the managers here are really lazy, especially her.”
So they told the bitch that I wanted to speak with her and after waiting almost 10 minutes she finally came to customer service to try and “help.” She couldn’t figure it out either so I tried asking her a question about it and the dizzy cunt tried TALKING OVER me and wouldn’t listen! I said, excuse me, I’m the customer here and I have a question, and you need to listen. I suggested a possibility and she wouldn’t even try it because I didn’t have the box with me. Instead she purposely provoked me to piss me and I called her a dizzy cunt, which she is, and I left. Stupid dizzy cunt.
I didn’t always hate Target. There was a time when I thought they were a great retailer that actually cared about their customer’s experiences (and maybe even their employees). I recently have been finding this to be a blatant pipe dream. I spent over a decade working as a retail manager for other companies, some of which actually cared about Customer Service. We always did whatever was needed to make the customer happy. Target apparently never heard of this concept.