Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.
  • March 1, 2013 - buymeamovie1st

    Escape from Planet Red

    I am free!! FUCK YOU TARGET!! No more teenager hours! No more Lay ass STLVD complaining about people “chatting”! N more snotty ass useless LODABCFOXSTD!  I made some friends there but friends d not pay the bills.  i now have to deal with commute and traffic but who cares I’m not at Target!

  • - TheDarkKnight18

    Am I crazy?

    Okay, this will probably be a long post, because I’m listing off everything I’ve personally experienced at the Target I work at, bear with me, they will be a tl;dr (Too Long; Didn’t Read) at the bottom.

    I was first hired in September as a flow team member, I had no idea what that was, being fresh out of high school and desperately needing a job I took it. The person who hired me told me “Oh, you’ll just be moving a few boxes around in the morning” seemed easy enough.

    Keep in mind I was a long and lanky guy, with no muscle at all.

    It’s a descent job, I unloaded the truck, bowled out the boxes (THROWING them into the correct isle) cut open the boxes, and put the product on the shelf. All from 6 am to about 10 or 11am. The bad part is, I needed sleep for this job, and when i slept is when my friends were ready to hang out. Personal problems right?

  • February 26, 2013 - Malthulhu

    Guest Service.

    So let me start by explaining a typical day at our wonderful Guest Service desk. I come in at 3:30pm and from that time until 11:00pm I am completely alone without no one to help me or to talk to when I need someone to bitch too(unless I call for help which takes awhile because no one pays attention). Anyways. All day you get to handle the incredibly brilliant people known as “Guest”. Because of how smart our guest are(by now I hope you know I’m joking. most people are idiots) I get pissed off about every time someone sprints up to my desk. You get the rude people, the stupid people, the smelly people, the sick people, the screaming children people, the bad parents, the cellphone people, the people who don’t know what the want and so on.

  • February 25, 2013 - Free At Last

    Free At Last.

    I was going to write a novel about this place —- Target.  I could have written about how they screwed me in my senior year in college or how they screwed me for a promotion these past couple of months.  There’s probably no need to explain anything because most of the people on here have experiences the same thing over and over.  It is the Target culture.

    If you don’t fit a certain style or persona that they want, you are going to be screwed out of a promotion.  They (management) form a clique and they essentially vote on who they would like to promote.  That individual can suck like ass but if he or she is kissing ass then they will get that promotion.  I was the best PA in my store and I opened almost 90% of the time because I was good at it and my work rate was far above others.  I could tell you that I was employee of the month for all 3.5 years that I was there but it means nothing because the fellow who kissed ass was promoted.  My CTL and him gel like peanut butter and jelly but yet I am blamed for everything going wrong even though they did the least amount of work.

  • February 22, 2013 - randi0758

    target is killing me.

    Target is liter4ally making me sick. After all the crap I’ve gone thru in the last 2 years it’s finally getting to me. I went to the doctor last week because I have been having frequent nosebleeds and thought I had cancer or something had blood work and an MRI done and everything is normal. Doctor said it could be stress related. On top of that I have developed ulcers and it has caused me to lose 15 lbs in 3 months. I’m now barley 105 and I’m 5″4. To make things worse my gstl has made it perfectly clear that she hates me and wants to see me fired. I didn’t get the gsa n I deserved and I know everything it’s just going to get worse.I’m trying so hard to get out of target but no one is hiring.

  • February 19, 2013 - F Target 15 hours

    15 hours. Seriously??

    I’ve been working at Target now for about 5 months now. I was hired as a seasonal team member but then they kept me and offered me a permanent job after it. I thought maybe Target is a good place to work for, it’s an awesome place to shop blah blah, haha. At first when I started, I didn’t notice a lot of the discrepancies I see now. Lazy ass workers, bitch ass LOD’s, stupid rules like covering the diamonds of the shelf. Are you fucking kidding me? Haha. So I remember a dumbass LOD telling me when I was zoning ” Covering the diamonds are the most important Thing a guest is gonna look at first when coming to buy something.” Haha bullshit!! I thought In my head haha. It’s a disgrace not being able to work more hours, it’s a disgrace how target cuts it’s hours from its workers to save money for the 4th quarter. How the hell are people who are working there gonna survive off of 15 hours a week?? Some people have mortgages, or rent and kids and with those hours the company expects people to love off of. It’s a disgrace. I hate how there’s so many bosses. Everyday or week there’s different ones. Wtf is the point of that. I like a few bosses and my team lead one of them. She’s super chill. The bosses I like and my supervisor are cool because they actually help us work and are understanding of how busy it can get which makes it difficult to zone, the others act like they’re so perfect that there shit don’t stink. Literally they do. It makes me wanna call them out and be like your a fucking idiot. They don’t have to worry about shit, they have salaries and arent paid hourly like us. It’s gay. I highly wouldn’t recommend this job, I’d speak to an actual employee first about it. I wish I would have done that first. Oh and the motto of one of my co workers here is “another day another penny”. Get it? Because of the wages haha. Bullshit hahahaha

  • February 11, 2013 - buymeamovie1st

    And the DumbAss award goes too…..

    So as I am still slaving at this place one day I am in Electronics*thunder crashes*  and this guy comes to buy a Wii game.  he thought he would get a gift card but the rule was he had to reserve a game also.  Not knowing how this worked I called the clowns at guest service…who didn’t know, then I called for the GSTL..didn’t know..then finally the LODLAZYFU..who wasn’t sure but would come back..meanwhile I’m looking like a dumb asshole waiting for these idiots to arrive while helping a dumbass lady who can’t understand that LCD and LED are different ARRRGGGGHHHH.  So the head clown shows up and says he has to reserve a game only problem is he only has a Wii and there are no Wii game reserve cards.  The clown says oh nit can be any reserve game.  I then have to spend more than 5 minutes explaining to her why the fuck would he reserve a game for a console he doesn’t own?  Finally she just changed the price.  DUMBASS.  at Target the morons run the Asylum…

  • I moved to a new city 10 months ago and I started shopping at the local Target every week.


    As I had done for the last 10 months, I parked my car in the Target parking lot and let my dog out of the back of my car (on the leash) and let it urinate in a planter.  I would then walk back to my car with my dog still on the leash, put it back into my car, lock the car, and enter Target to shop.

    Recently, as I was walking with my dog back to my car, a Target security drone walked toward me as I was about 10-12 feet from my car.

    He started to lecture me that I couldn’t have my dog with me.


    He told me that the parking lot was private property and that I couldn’t have my dog on private property.

  • February 6, 2013 - overwhelmingstupidity

    New GSA is a 27-yr-old HS dropout

    You guys have no idea how happy I am to find you. I’m from a store just north of Dallas.


    My store recently promoted a random softlines chick to GSA, passing over a guest services guy who has been at the store for years and busted his ass for the position.  He’s my buddy, and though I don’t understand why he wants that horrible job, I still feel bad for him. He raged pretty hard when he found out about this idiot.


    This chick is monumentally stupid. She grew up in the circus (no lie) and was home schooled, so she was still a “senior” when she was 23. She never finished HS or got a GED. Her parents are still in the circus or something because she goes on leave twice a year with them to do magic or something – she’s gone for part of the summer and from October through January. So they hired some chick who’s never even worked Christmas or Black Friday as a GSA. WTF.

  • February 2, 2013 - buymeamovie1st

    Might as well pay us in pennies….

    So on reason 456 why I’m leaving this Shit hole.  The ETLVDSOB tell us the other day in the annoying ass huddle that we are Number one in the region for guest service or some bullshit liek we gave a shit.  A couple of days later the same ETLVDSOB tells me and a few others that he was “warning” us that the next week all of Hardlines got virtually no hours from the bloodsuckers at corporate   For the team we have that’s about  FIVE FUCKING HOURS A SHIFT FR THE WEEK.  So I told the fucker that isn’t it great how we “are number one” but that’s what we get.  Fucking pathetic.  SO fucking glad to be getting out of this place,  These last couple of days Ive been talking :guests: OUT of buying shit.  So far I’v talked a guest out of buying a TV, a PS3, HDMI cables and pretty much anything in Piss Fresh.  If you think this place is better than Walmart, sure it is, but it’s like being in Hell’s backyard and not in the house.  Fuck Target till it bleeds rectally and dies!
