Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.
  • August 6, 2013 - hashketchum

    This job gets in the way…

    of me getting into the field I want. I’m a broadcasting major with a small background in writing. I’m a sports fan – an NFL junkie to a certain extent. I want to make a career out of covering America’s most popular sport. It’s really hard to dive into the league when you’ve got Target wanting you to work when you would otherwise be watching games, recording podcasts, writing blog entries, or whatever.

    They say education is important, but they don’t mean it. There’ve been numerous occasions where those fuckers have put me on the schedule right in the middle of my classes. What part of “I’m not available” don’t they understand? They want me to concede and be one of their backroom drones and be a complacent, uninspired, unmotivated piece of nothing like all the other poor souls who’ve wasted away inside the walls of 1431. I’m not having any of that shit. The school year is just around the corner, and I’m going to have to play this stupid game all over again.

  • I myself haven’t received one “yet”. From what I hear it’s regarding coachings/corrective actions and all types of write up regarding absences. Our store can care less about your infant child being sick, our taking care of a sick elderly parent, or us being in the hospital with serious health conditions. Regardless of the reason or situation you might be going through eventually you’ll end up getting written up for it.

    You can technically miss 3 days in a three month period without getting harassed about your call outs. Once again if it was fair across the board then it’s ok but when “certain” people miss work for whatever reason it’s perfectly okay and the world stops for them. But when others call out they get treated like shit and their hours are cut.

    Its so unfair! So apparently there are a lot of team members at my store that have received this letter in the mail regarding a huge lawsuit here in California regarding all this mistreatment. I’m glad someone took the initiative to do something about it.

    Everyone is terrified to speak up in fear or retaliation. But I’m glad someone finally did it.

    I’m hoping to get a letter myself and I hope a lot of us get one actually. I’m happy for those who have a received one!

    Thank you to whoever took the initiative to get this lawsuit going!

  • I think it’s time to make that call. Not only because we get shitty 4 hour shifts and not more than 20 hrs a week but because we have to put an end to all this retaliation and harassment from the ETL’s.


    Team members get scheduled under the 30 hour margin that privileges you from obtaining health insurance. That’s why a lot of us don’t have insurance because we fall under the radar. How are we suppose to feed our kids working less than 20 hours a week? It doesn’t matter to them because they’re salaried and their kids are being fed and taken care of because they do have health insurance.

    That’s just another type of unfairness and abuse! We as “team members” should join as ONE team. Stand up for ourselves and to be each others backbone. Lets end this awful treatment coming from “the best company ever”. PLEASE!


  • August 5, 2013 - Chris. 349

    Target Benefits: Not this Time!

    A few months ago I went on paid vacation. I didn’t go anywhere fancy or anything, I just needed a break from the work atmosphere. When I came back on coincidently payday, I had a suprise almost as big as life. Target wasn’t going to pay me for the vacation hours I’d just used. Target thought it was okay to only pay me for the week that I worked. So in essence Target thinks I should pay the bills with only one weeks pay with a part time job. I talked with HR about it, even though I was furious. HR looked me straight in the eyes as if this were normal procedure and said, that because I didn’t submit my request for paid vacation on the E-HR it didn’t go through. I don’t like E-HR it always wants me to reset my password, which is why I asked to apply for paid vacation through a paper application. I don’t understand why Target is trying to force everyone to use electronics, when they don’t work properly msot the time. I had a gut feeling that was going to happen but I ignored it and threw away the recipt. I was eventually given a voucher and what I was owed in cash but this was the first in many incident to tell me things are going to start going very wrong.

  • August 4, 2013 - bananasuit

    T1846 and their stupid ideas

    So the Etl in charge of the front lanes came up with a stupid and ridiculous idea to “motivate” cashiers and team members to get red cards. She hung these ugly ass 3M Command hooks over on the wall by register 14 in plain view. She made individual “necklaces” out of yarn with team members names and last names for every Tom, Dick and Harry to see.

    Yeah talk about protecting our privacy!!! Anyways so when you work a shift you have to wear this ridiculous necklace which will get in the way as you scan and bag. When you get a red card you get a stupid ribbon you tie on to the piece of yarn. I guess until you make a fucking master piece from all the red cards you get as you tie this stupid ribbon on it you win!!! WOOOOOHOOOO! Here you go you get a fucking target dog!! Big fucking deal!!!

    i guess having a degree in picking lint out of your belly button helps create these wonderful activities. And those command hooks look so ghetto and not “target” brand at all. I hope Collin (DTL) visits the store soon and sees those stupid looking hooks with those stupid looking necklaces in plain guests view.

  • August 3, 2013 - Dilbert101

    Past experiences

    Some friends just shared this site with me,my first of many blogs.

    Rather than rambling, each will be short and sweet, to enhance greater interest. My first years with T were good, until they changed their business plan. Most stores will rotate their management teams about every 18 months, to broaden their experience in different settings, I was forced out by a manager who had been in place, way over that  period. For the sole purpose of getting others to quit or be fired.

    I knew a Team Lead who was in the store with me for quite some time, as she walked by my Dept, I said hi to her, and she was just out of view, when she turned to come back to say that her last day was today, and that she was transferring to another location.  When I asked why, I could see tears forming, as she told me that the STL  was trying to find fault in everything she did, and she was written up for not enough cross trained team members, where in fact, she had more than any other store in the district. I don’t know her fate, after she left. She had 10 + yrs of service and benefits, you do the math.

  • August 1, 2013 - bananasuit

    The latest at T1846

    So the shit keeps running literally at this whacked out store! So lately people have been getting written up for not being FFF if that’s the case then fuck there should be a shit load of people on their finals.

    There are team leads who are not FFF at all in fact one certain TL has gotten a lot of complaints on a store level and even to corporate but she hasn’t gotten a final and the reason I know for a fact that she hasn’t is because the complaints are multiples and if she had been on a final she would of been fired by now.

  • Ok, this is my third post in pretty short order, but it’s so necessary. I love coming on here to vent.

    I work in the backroom. If I had like a Target hit list, whoever resets planograms would be number one. The ETL that gets on our case about backstocking would be second. When they reset planograms, and fill it with new stuff, guess where the old stuff goes…the backroom. Almost every time this happens, we get a flatbed with at least 10 repack boxes full of stuff. When the ETLs come upstairs on their walk (god, I hate the walk), they see that shit and lose their minds and from then on, they’re on our case about who’s working on backstock the rest of the day as if we let the backstock get out of hand. Motherfucker! stop giving us all this plano BS to add to our normal flow, and maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.

  • - DishonorableMention

    Season Hire happily not returning

    So like many on this awesome site I have been exposed to how awful Target can truly be. I was blind and gullible in the beginning when they used innovative ways to refer to wage slaves and how we appease the “guests” with their purchases. In the months I have been hired to work I saw what Target is truly like: a REDcard spewing machine that will happily spit in your mother’s face if that means you will open up a REDcard with us today. The team leaders love to do what I have appropriately deemed as lurking: hovering over your shoulder to make sure you ask EVERY guest about the damned card. It has gotten to be so awful that I was not coached once but THREE times within the past 2 weeks to “step up” my game and “drive home those sales”. Who in all honesty cares about the 5%? Sure that seems like a lot when you rack up your bill to the 500-900 dollar range (and living in a tourist town I see that happen easily within a day) but buy an avocado. Buy an apple. Knock a dime off the asking price and add the sales tax in and you may have a discount on your hands. We need to wake up and smell the roses: the 5 percent is a LIE. It is a trick to make guests shop with Target more and successfully brainwash those willing to lay on their backs, spread their legs, and take the bull right up the divide. It broke my heart to truly see past the smoke and mirrors that they display to guests and see the lifeless, heartless machine chug along.

  • This is my first post, but I felt I had to write instead of just putting up comments of encouragment. A few days ago I picked up a copy of Target’s magazine called RED. On the cover was a preview of the main article in which a few ETL’s shopped with “guests” and gave each of them a great experience. The article even went so far to suggest that the “guests” were so happy with their service that they came back and thanked the team members. I don’t know about any of you but no one has ever come to Target just to thank me. I found the magazine to be very insulting, not only does a store not run like that but if coporate thinks that’s the way retail is they must be doing drugs or something. If they think that a “guest” is going to by two of the most expensive TV’s than they’re chasing the purple dragon of retail.


    I glanced at the next article which was a mix of topics from new openings to celebrities endorsing Target. I don’t shop at Target because some celebrity I’ve never even heard of endorses it. I shop at Target to take advantage of the 5% discount which basiclly takes out the taxes in the purchase. I also do a little shopping at Target so I don’t have to use gas going to another store.
