Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Category / Employee Experience

  • May 10, 2020 - polevaza000

    Target is a piece of shit

    So this is quite a bit to say so ill start from the beginning. Around October of 2019 this girl joined my target(Alderwood Mall Target) and started sucking up to all the ETLS and TLS. One day when i was stocking shelfs she came up to me and said “I’ll beat you up and if you hit me back you’ll go to jail.” I was frustrated but couldn’t go to any store leads cause our management sucks and wouldn’t do anything about it so I just avoided her as best I could.

    Recently, this same girl came up to me when I was going to clock in and accused me of telling some other girl that she “needs to have sex with me.” When I went to HR she just said “I’ll talk to her.” Like WTF??? So i’m just trying to get the attention of corporate now so that something can happen to all of them cause I made it 2 years at this place without problems. Definitely hate target cause all they do is fucking harass the shit outta you and expect you to just take the blows.

  • I was hired about a month ago at T2201 for fulfillment, I wasn’t trained by a trainer/lead in the position, I was trained by another entry level employee. There was no “proper” training. Basically on my first day, I was shown how to pick, do ships, and that was that. I was shown at a later time by another entry level employee how to do packing.

    So fast forward to several days ago, the closing LOD, called me into her office and told me she had to retape some packages I did and if she had to have a discussion like this with me again, I could get terminated. What the hell?!

  • April 5, 2020 - annoyedcashier

    literally not doing anything for corona

    I’m a guest advocate and my store is basically not doing anything. I got yelled at by my team lead to clean my belt bc of COVID, and all she gave me was the generic spray. No disinfectant or anything. In fact, my whole shift, my belt and area never gets disinfected ONCE.

    People are getting all up in my face and GSTLs are not helpful when people are literally up on top of me. We’re seriously supposed to be social distancing and I’m in one of the most infected states. Just putting stickers on the floor doesn’t do anything.

    There’s guests just walking around the store and coming in large groups. I’m sorry, but now is not the time to buy a bikini or foundation.

    My store has also not given masks or gloves to me. Only to the people doing the “cleaning” shifts, who aren’t even rly cleaning anyway.


  • March 11, 2020 - smokedbore

    never become a team lead

    hi guys. i just walked out on my store director and my executive of hr 1 week ago. i got to say if you are ever approached about being a lead in that place just FUCKING SAY NO. i think its probably the worst professional decisiom of my life.  i do not recommend it. first off the pay increase is dog shit. they force you to have open availability but refuse to give you overtime 99% of the year. and you’ll have every executive in there questioning everything you do even if you have more retail experience than them.

  • March 4, 2020 - targetisevil

    Target is evil and dishonest.

    First of all, thank u for this website, it is very informative.  Briefly my story with dealing with Target has been a nightmare.  Briefly as possible, I was severely injured by a Target employee and despite the fact that they are one of the best CSI crime labs in  the country, the videotape evidence, above the cash register, went “MISSING and/or DISAPPEARED.”  They put me through HELL and told me in effect, prove it, how can u prove it, when they destroyed evidence.  Looking online, Target does this often, in the the law it is called SPOLIATION. But the videotape only goes missing, when they are at fault. 

  • February 29, 2020 - ih8myself



    So I’ve been working at target for a horrendous 6 months now solely because I am a broke college student needing to pay rent. It has been a tumultuous 6 months where I have gotten the worst humanity has to offer. I may not be the best with attendance because I have mental health problems that cause me to miss shifts sometimes. I do not let it impede on my productivity because I care for my coworkers and not Target itself.

    Antyways, one example of how ridiculous this place is: we had a person work at Starbucks, and they would show up intoxicated or bring alcohol in a bottle to drink at work.

  • - throwaway78946


    Hello, all! I’ve been an employee at Target for over two years and I’m ready to move on. I started out as a seasonal cashier in 2017, and I worked in that position for about a year before I started working at guest service.

    Although it has very strong competition, guest service is arguably the worst department in the whole store.

  • February 21, 2020 - spookiwi

    2 Weeks in and Im Ready to End It All

    I’ve been hired for the seasonal section which is great and fun (jk). I, being the new employee, am expected to take care of the seasonal isles by MYSELF: restocking, backstocking, pushing, setting up displays, fixing aisles etc. From what I’ve heard, people that get hired for this section generally are overworked because they are the only person in the section. I also know target has an ongoing fun little game where they like to give insane amounts of work to their employees and expect them to finish it all in a shift and have time to start the next shifts work. If you think food & bev is hectic, imagine reorganizing the same clearance candy isle 10+ times within half an hour because the GUESTS just dont give a fuck. Also why do people get mad at me for asking questions when I literally have no idea what the hell I’m doing

  • January 31, 2020 - Apathina

    Lies Lies Lies

    So many things to complain about but I’ll talk about my breaking point. So this lovely company that likes to use fake smiles and promises of flexible schedules is a scam. I was hired as a non-seasonal employee and offered a position as a toy general merchandiser.
    Besides the absolute mess, overload of truck, screaming kids and parents, and no support I managed to make it through 8 months even through Black Friday which was the worst working experience of my life.

  • January 2, 2020 - brendag-n

    Humiliated for no reason

    I was hired for seasonal at Target and at first it was good.I got along with my co-workers and did a good job training me for the position I was working but unfortunately that’s as far as training goes. I got scolded by team leads for not doing things the right way when I didn’t even know how I was supposed to do things because they never fully trained me.
