Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Archives / August 2014

  • I’m trained in food ave..but was asked to switch over to soft lines a while back due to so many people quitting…awesome. But i was thrilled to get out of food ave, so I took the chance!

    So they taught me how to be operator/fitting room…worst decision EVER.

  • August 11, 2014 - Taylor_167

    They auto denied my time off request

    Fucking Target does it again! I needed to take a few days off to help my grandpa out after he has surgery. I request the time off appropriately and ahead of time thinking that maybe they’ll accept it. NOPE. They just went ahead and auto denied it! AUTO DENIED IT!

  • August 4, 2014 - Taylor_167

    Not accepting availability requests

    So a few of my co-workers needed to change their availability for school and now they are declining availability changes???

    Also, they are declining time off also?

    Why the hell are they doing this?

    If they’re not going to change availability, everyone is gonna quit!!

    Is your store doing this too?

  • March 20, 2014 - Taylor_167

    Are there hidden cameras in the break room

    I know that there are  cameras where the tables are to eat lunch, and I know there’s one where the lockers are to put our belongings in, but, are there hidden cameras in the break room and if so, where??

  • November 14, 2013 - Taylor_167

    Working as cashier for Holiday season

    I’m fairly new to the cash register… The holidays are coming up and I really need some advice on what it’s like to work as a cashier during the holidays. I know it’s going to be super crowded.Does that mean that time will go by fast since everyone is going to be at the registers? How many cashiers do they hire? Also, I’m scared that my conversions are going to go down cause I know the computer is going to prompt us like crazy…also the rude guests? How do I deal with them?

    Just any advice you all can offer to me to make sure I don’t blow it?



  • November 10, 2013 - Taylor_167

    Chances of getting cross trained

    My 90 day eval is coming up next week I’m so nervous. I dealt with a rude customer a while ago which really upset me and they knew that…afraid they won’t wanna keep me around.I’m a cashier and I’ve managed to get 5 red cards in the course of 3 months. I’m not exactly sure what my conversion is. Anyways, what do I expect at a 90 day evaluation? I’m so nervous! I really wanna be cross trained! How can I achieve that?!

  • November 4, 2013 - Taylor_167

    How to get cross trained

    I am a cashier at the moment, and they say after my 90 day evaluation it’s possible that I can be cross trained. I really want to be cross trained! So far I have gotten 5 red cards and my conversion is a 2.7, they say I need a 3!

    How can I guarantee to be cross trained?

    Also, what position should I take? Hardlines? Softlines??

    Any tips on how to actually enjoy work and sell more red cards?


  • October 27, 2013 - Taylor_167

    Being a cashier..hate it, need advice

    Hello all you Target Prisoners,

    I started working at Target a month ago….I HATE WORKING THERE. I was suppose to work hard lines, but instead, they decided to just make me a a first, I thought they were only going to train me then move me on to another task, nope. Stuck at cashiering. They make me do everything there! From carts, to restroom clean up(literally on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor) and of course…zoning. Fun. They push those red cards like crazy and the stupid conversions…no one wants a freaking red card..they make us harass our “guests” so stupid. If you need help at a register, the stupid leaders don’t even respond to you until it’s practically too late. Horrible job, 2 horrible leaders(other 2 are cool), horrible environment. The other cashiers are pretty nice, they hate their job too. I have my 90 day evaluation two days before Christmas..bleh. Not sure how I’m going to do. So far, I have gotten 4 red cards, and have only been there a month…So we’ll see how things go. My conversions aren’t the best right now, so that’s unfortunate.
