Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

August 16, 2014 - Taylor_167

Does exactly the opposite of what I ask them…shocker.

I’m trained in food ave..but was asked to switch over to soft lines a while back due to so many people quitting…awesome. But i was thrilled to get out of food ave, so I took the chance!

So they taught me how to be operator/fitting room…worst decision EVER. it is SO boring back there and the guests are freaking stupid and get all pissy cause they can’t have more than 6 items in the fitting room. Also, sitting in a chair all day is super boring, and we get the most ridiculously stupid calls about items in our store..ugh. ha.

Anyways, a while ago, I asked them to not give me fitting room shifts and that I prefer to be out on the sales floor. They said my hours may be cut a little bit, but I was fine with that, since I absolutely despise operator.

So instead of not giving me any fitting room shifts, they’ve been giving me nothing but fitting room! Pretty much the exact opposite of what I said! Like seriously…

Idk what else to do about this, I really need the money, but sitting in that stupid chair is really making me go crazy. I don’t even know what to do…Should I talk to them again about this or should I just try to deal with the operator shifts?

Also, how can I make those fucking shifts go by a bit faster?



Employee Experience / TargetSucks #cashier #unfair #redcards #ihatetarget #badleaders #anxiety #wanttoquit / #fittingRoom / fuck target / FUCK YOU TARGET /


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