Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

January 18, 2015 - SDS OVERFIEND

Most Backward Ass Fucking Company I ever Set Foot INSIDE!!

Where the fuck do I begin? Maybe I’ll start with my worthless ass Team leads who seem to always forget what they told you to do 3 minutes ago? Nah because 2 out of the 6 of them were cool. Maybe I’ll start with my Snitch ass coworkers who loaf all fucking day causing a back jam in work? Nah that’s too easy.. How bout I start with the bullshit reason I got let go? Yeah I’ll start there… Perfect. Grab your Popcorn and juju beez and large beverage for this one.. Little over 3 months ago 2 co workers of mines named Renell 25 and ex-con Terrence 47 (who loves to tell everybody he did 8 years) got into a shouting match almost coming to blows. After a 2 week investigation the 2 workers are back on schedule with a final warning I guess.. Anywho at break.. I’m sitting and eating with another coworker and Terrence comes in screaming.. “Yall eating with a snitch” mind you Renell is remaining quiet.. He keeps talking to me and another coworkers until my coworker responds “keep that to yourself” that has nothing to do with us.. Then Terrence implies he is not afraid of anybody and he will fight anyone. Renell just ups and leaves and tells Word to the extreme team leader. Renell and Terrence along with me(Although I have nothing to do with this) gets called to the back room.. They ask what happen blahx3.. I respond “I have nothing to do with this” Terrence tell my ETL Tyrone I have nothing to do with this and I’m told to go back to work. In the market Terrence approaches Me asking “why I threw him under the bus?” I tell him what the fuck are you talking about? You violated me.. If Renell is a snitch.. Thanks for warning me though. He walks off.. He Terrence misses some time due to surgery.. I still recollect having no beef tho.. So on his first day back… No signs of beef but we do certain things together involving the jobs a team. One timeI tells him I’m going to the bathroom he says ok.. As come back he is talking to a team leader who asses he forever kissing named “Matt” a coke head who od’s on caffeine pills. mind you I just did a pallet of giant sized dog and cat food while he did cans because of the surgery. A coworker who was nearby told me he snitched and told Matt I went to bathroom and was loafing. Matt and him break the huddle as I comeback and Matt says I was uncounted for for 5 minutes.. Like DAFUQ ITS ALREADY 5:35am and I’m off at 5:45. A few days later at work.. The same guy Terrence is eavesdropping on a convo I’m having about other coworkers arguing. As I’m moving thru toys “Pushing”. I’m noticing this guy is following me and talking indirectly to various coworkers about me in which I didn’t catch on.. I get to my final aisle and he follows me.. He is working in the aisle now pushing with a razor box cutter in his hand. I head to seasonal and he stands mid floor and ask a question “What do frogs do when they Move” 4 workers come out the aisle including Renell.. They answer the question but while he is talking.. There is no leader present all of a sudden. After the question is answered (Frog) he tells people if they have a problem with him then do something bout it.. I ignore it and continue my work waiting for a Leader to come around since no was in THC.. All of a sudden he is moving in on me with his Razor.. I look around for leaders but he is becoming hostile.. I take off my hoodie and wrap it around my left arm (to protect against the razor).. I ask him to back up and what’s his problem.. I facing him Then my leader comes out of nowhere and grabs me.. Terrence is now screaming at me telling me I’m a thug and don’t deserve to work here and he ain’t worried about me.. I’m escorted to the break room to write a report.. I get sent home for arguing shortly after.. I miss 3 weeks including my days affecting Christmas check.. My STL calls me asking the story.. As I explain.. She says I’m under investigation because I took my hoodie off and faced him ready to fight.. A week later I get a call from the STL recieving a final warning and I can resume work on jan 3 2015 Saturday night and see Tyrone for my schedule info. The 3rd comes and I’m headed to work.. On the bus I see Terrence.. He is sitting in the back… He sees me and walk pass me looking at me.. He gets by the bus driver and cusses me out. I ignore him. He challenges me to fight when we get off.. We get off he walks to the front of target before engaging me.. I laugh at him and proceed to the store thru the back parking lot. He pulls out his razor.. I had no intent on fighting because I just want to get back to work..I felt like you had ur chance on the bus so now you want to show out on camera so I can get fired? As I change in my uniform…Etl Tyrone escorts me to the back.. He ask me why didn’t I come in Friday night and explain I was told the 3rd.. He says I got no email of the sort.. Afterwards he tells me im letting you go because of employee statements saying other wise(Matt). it’s because I took off my hoodie and faced him instead of walking away(But he has a razor out approaching).. Just like that.. Without no Union I was let go and police escorted me out when I tried explaining to them he made an attempt on my life.. Terrence is still working as we speak. Mind you he already had 2 write ups. I just want to say Tarshit is a fucking Plantation full of young dickhead leaders who love to wield power thru fear. Tyrone,Matt and Terrence can drop fucking dead. The only thing I miss are few of my coworkers.. Other than that.. I’m good.. No more coming home complaining to my wife about TYRONE AND MATT ALL THE TIME.


Employee Experience / TargetSucks Fighting / Let go / lied to / plantation / set up / slave / unfair /


    • SDS OVERGIEND says:

      Thank you.. Trust me I'm burning up inside because when I got off the bus.. I wasn't in the mood to fight.. I just wanted to see my fate.. He kept acting like he had a gun reaching. It was comical.. But it's on to better things.

  • rainprincess64 says:

    WOW that is insane and such a bullshit reason to get let go. How is it the one initiating the problem gets away with everything and the one trying to defend oneself (but never made any threats) get let go at the drop of a hat? It's absurd they can't communicate with each other and just assume it's one thing but is really another. I'm experiencing some stupid issues with trying to get trained in the pharmacy as a backup tech (was told once a week starting end of October but been back there literally twice since then) because HR lies and the pharmacy team is left wondering what on Earth is happening. What a stupid vicious cycle of incompetence occurring thanks to the spineless ETLs who seriously can't communicate with each other. It's this awful sense of leadership among Target executives and the store managers that contributed to Target's failure in Canada... and may be the eventual downfall of the company as a whole.

    Target was originally a fun place to work when I first started but since the new STL came into my store, it's been a shithole people want out of so badly now. Not that it was the most awesome place to work anyways but it was hell of a lot more tolerable when my old STL was there. If Target keeps up with the poor management style as they have going right now, the company will inevitably fail as a whole.

    • SDS OVERGIEND says:

      I hope it does fail because they do everything backwards. They lie and place blame on everything but themselves. The STL in my store lies so much.. It's like the start to believe the lies themselves.. My leader Connie was pissed i got fired but it was out of her hands.. My coworkers called me like he was pissed.. Lol. She suspended Terrence on the strength. Then another one of my coworkers he had argument got into it again and she told the ETL. HE WAS FIRED SHORTLY AFTER. COLD JUSTICE I GUESS.

    • Silverfox says:

      they already failed in Canada. Canadians aren't buying their bs. only thing they actually managed to copy over is employee treatment.

  • Silverfox says:

    I think it has more to do with the brainwashing they do and picking incompetent stls and chasing away/getting rid of those who are competent


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