Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

October 30, 2016 - this shit sucks

not even 2 months

so i’ve been working at target as a cashier for about a month now. from the get go, i already had a bad feeling. i didn’t get shit for training. they threw me at an empty register with a booklet and told me to read through it, and to turn on my lane light if i needed help. any time i needed help, any of the supervisors that came to help me were just a fucking asshole about it and treated me like i was an idiot. (they still do if i occasionally need help)

as every cashier knows, the redcards are bullshit. there’s this thing where if you get a certain amount of red cards a week, you get to be apart of some games to win stuff, or some stupid shit like that. your name and how many redcards you got is put up on a white board (for the games) in the room by the lockers where EVERYONE sees. i got 5 redcards within 2 days last week. that’s more than the TL’s (or anyone else). my name wasn’t up on that board. the only thing they did for me getting the redcards was “nice! now go out and get some more.” i don’t know if they realize that getting the redcards is like bending over backwards, and a little pat on the  back would’ve been pretty appreciated.

a few weeks back, one of the LOD’s showed me a chart (decided to show me when i was supposed to be on my break) with my name and all the other cashiers from that week. the amount of transactions, redcard sales, etc. she basically said, everyone else got 2-4 red cards and you got 0, and scolded me for not asking enough guests about redcards. basically embarrassed me in front of all the guests that were looking.

today i called out sick because i’ve come down with a cold and i had an 8 hour shift and there was no fucking way i was going to be standing at that register for 8 hours while sick like this. i called in to the LOD to let them know i wasn’t going to come in because of this cold (i called in almost 3 hours in advance too) and she didn’t say anything like, “okay, i hope you feel better!” or any of that. she just said “okay, next shift we need to talk about your attendance.” what the fuck? this is literally the first time i’ve called out sick. i’ve been late once but that was by 2 minutes. & sometimes i’ll clock out a few minutes late because the dumb ass “guests” don’t see my lane light is off, and by the time I look over, they already have all their shit piled onto the belt. and there will never be anyone there to take over for me so i have no choice but to scan the guests items and clock out late. i’m still fresh to target, and there’s still a lot I don’t know because their fuckfaces won’t teach me shit. I don’t know what to do. do i have to wait for a 90 day period to cross train? should i wait for my 90 days and put in my two weeks if they don’t cross train me? should i just find another job that won’t make me feel inadequate and constantly degraded? holiday season is coming up (fuck) and right after holiday season it’ll be my 90 day. i wouldn’t be surprised if they fired me after that. isn’t there an evaluation thing after your 90 days? like i said, i don’t know shit. they hardly told me anything other than having to harass guests to get redcards. i just don’t know what to do. i’m really unhappy at my job, and i feel it’d be better if i was a different position, but i don’t know if i’ll last through the holiday season.


Employee Experience / TargetSucks #cashier #anxiety #redcards #survays #rules #yelledat #GSTL /


  • viciousdave says:

    Ok, well I've been there 8 years, I don't like it either. First thing is learn the numbers of vegetables and fruits. Not like test read or whatever, but as you work and look at the sheet you'll eventually remember like banana and white onion and regular onion and cucumber and others. Target will never let you have another position. I've been there 8 years and they just say every single time to me "You came to this job and we hired you for cashier, we can't just move you because we need cashiers the most" Red cards are 22.99 % interest and thus why I don't even ask people do you have a red card, do you want a red card it saves you 5% every day and you get 90 days to return items and free shipping online. Most people just say no as millions already have one. The other thin is learn the commands, it's easy as there all on screen of course, F1,F2,F3,F4,F5, change, select how much you need to get, put in that you got that money. Lastly, they most likely won't fire you unless you continually show up over 10 minutes late or don't show up a lot. Also, within your first 90 days, do the red card asking anyway as it shows you oh he's good. After the 90 days, do what I do, don't ask anymore. I get told ask for red cards to every guest today 3 time a week about, but I don't at all but they keep me there anyway as I'm very fast at checkout for people as I've been there the 5th longest in the store out of everybody.

  • Silverfox says:

    Once you learn the 4 number code system, you can easily jump ship and do the same thing at a better paid position elsewhere doing the same thing.

  • Mikasi says:

    I left Target and have never been happier. We had TL's and LOD's that actually yelled at us over red cards all the time. I got written up (conveniently so did everyone else coming into their year) for missing too many was the day a family member died right in front of me and I have doctors notes for the other two days...had an LOD yell at me for helping a team member who had 3 heaping carts of stuff to sort through ( all my sections were done already) she told me to go find something to do and let her handle her job and then made the girl cry later that night when she was done by degrading her even though she didn't lift a finger to help the poor girl who was obviously struggling. I got so sick of it I straight up quit and refused to go in anymore. I now have a better job making way better pay with people who appreciate their workers. I tell everyone get out while you can because that place is hell.


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