Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

November 7, 2014 - ShitontheBullseye

Target licks the crusty shit around the rim of an anus and eats it.

I work on the flow team and don’t mind it. The hours fly by when doing this kind of work. My team members are cool and are hard workers and bust ass every truck day. But my main concern are the TL’s and management. They treat you like shit and look down on you as if you’re inferior to them. The TL’s  just bark orders and watch us work while contributing very little.  I feel like we should be paid at least $12.00 an hour for the amount of bullshit we go through and how demanding the job is. You get burnt out really easily and half the people that apply quit within 1-2 weeks. Go figure… One of the TL’s had the audacity to tell me I wasn’t working fast enough when in reality I was working just as fast as everyone else. I keep pace with everyone else just because that’s the pace of work.. I work by the Target motto. “It’s a marathon, not a sprint”… The TL that told me this is extremely slow because he’s obese and well overweight. He’s a chill TL but he can be real bossy at times. The other TL is just a straight up cold hearted bitch. She’s been working for Tarshit for over 18 years. I guess working here this long will do that to you. She’s hopeless, her soul is gone. The LOD is a douchebag who also looks down on people as if everyone around him is r******d and thinks his shit don’t stink. He fired an employee because she refused to date him. The TL that is a cold hearted bitch had me train as a cashier today. I’m not really a people person and am introverted. I told her I did not wish to be trained for cashier. The bitch starts yelling at me saying GO RIGHT NOW! I did 2 hours worth of training and did not like it. It’s not my cup of tea. They tell you to push red cards but I ‘m not doing it. I didn’t ask one customer at all and don’t plan to. They’re tried to get me to sign up for a red card and asked every fucking week but did not get one just because I wanted to piss them off. They’re only training me for the Black Friday and Christmas season. After training there was score of my performance. It’s a fucking joke that they have a grading system on how well you did as a cashier. I  received an “R” and had a score of 55%. I don’t give a shit though cause if they keep me as a cashier I’ll just quit and not give them my 2 weeks notice. Another thing that pisses me off is that when it is time for a pay raise the employees that bust ass get 10-20 cent raise maximum while the TL’s, ETL’s, LOD’s get the bonuses. That’s a fucking insult giving us each a 10 cent raise. I just about had with them and can’t wait to finish up my bachelors. I go to school MWF and they’re 7 hour school days each while working on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I’m doing something everyday and am feeling burnt just like a toast. I have no weekend and I asked the bitchy TL if I could have Sundays off and she said no. I’ve  got 2 years left to finish school and don’t ever plan on working for Target as a leader or whatever. I don’t want to become one of them. Target can go eat shit and fuck off. This company treats you like shit unless you work in management.


Employee Experience / TargetSucks


  • fucktargetiquit says:

    Exactly how corporate works. You do the work so the people above you can stand around and earn the money.

  • viciousdave says:

    Yup, it's all bullshit. You work your ass off for a petty $8.00 to $10.00 per hour lifting things and moving places to stock items. But the leaders get to yell at you to go faster, do absolutely nothing, but get paid $12.00 or more per hour. WTF? This economy isn't right. Those who do more should get paid more. Those who do less should get paid less. Let that be a lesson for all of America!

  • trashtalk says:

    "Speed is Life" is the slogan to push workers faster faster fast, I hate hearing that, but don't forget to keep your head up when you are working as fast as you can so you can smile and "vibe" with guests while you push that stock to the floor

  • Silverfox says:

    easiest way to get them to raise wages. Don't work for them until they offer $12 an hour. Worked in alberta. 🙂 one person reported getting $13.50. And person still left. No one will work for tarshit in alberta if they offered min wage so they have no choice but to offer that amount. If i'm not mistaken their competitiors in alberta offer higher.


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