Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Tag / unfair treatment

  • April 12, 2013 - discodork

    I feel like I’m the target!

    So I started in November of last year as a seasonal person and when the season was over I got handed the paper that said such n such of a date was my last day. Which I was pretty ok with not coming back at that point I thought well its not my loss so I will just stick it out until then. I did stick it out and it was about three days until my last day and my TL gave me a call and said well we decided to keep you some hours just open up and we chose you! I wanted to cry but not for joy at all. I was like well shit I need a job for rent and bills and that sort of thing so I was like …. sure I’ll stay (already knowing how much I was going to hate it)

    So that TL was on and off for our store to train to be a LOD at another store so she could move up at a totally different store. This one particular TM in the area I worked in which was softlines, was training to be a TL. I asked where is she going to be a TL because someone told me that you cannot be a TL over the area you were in before because then everyone you worked with would look at you like you are still the same with no power over them, basically they wouldn’t respect you at all, which I could see that. Well as time went on the TL we had moved on a month before her date for the new store and the girl training for TL got her spot. (So I guess what I said before is not true, about being over a different area that is, the respect thing is though).

  • April 7, 2013 - immut

    I feel like a kleenex.

    Ok so here’s my story. I worked the overnight shift during a supremely busy Christmas season at a store that was very busy to begin with. I will tell you guys this right away: never work overnights at target. If you think the day shift is bad, you haven’t seen anything. Several people I worked with had already filed workers comp for RSI injuries sustained while working.

    My job was reshop. Every single day, that’s all I did. Usually just me, occasionally they threw me a helper. I’ll spoil the ending, after the Christmas season was over, I got pinkslipped for not doing it fast enough. Maybe I was slow? I don’t know for a good two months my TLs said I was doing just fine. Then come January, suddenly sorting and pushing 25-30 (50+ during the entire week after Christmas) entire, mostly unsorted carts of reshop (with up to three full carts of dvds when sorting was over and done with) over the course of the night wasn’t good enough. They didn’t give me a good solid number or time frame for when I should have been done. At one point we actually had a conversation where my TL told me “It shouldn’t take all night to put away 17 carts”, to which I had point out they’d delivered 8 more while I was working.  I don’t know, am I really that slow? Should I really have been averaging less than 10 minutes per cart? It’s not like I had anyone else to compare my performance to, or a hard number goal to work towards.  But I know I wasn’t being lazy, at the very least.

  • March 28, 2013 - redevilredevil

    I thought I was going to die.

    So Sunday add was suppose to be an easy task. Well the team member that was suppose to help me put it up in softlines didnt show up that morning. Then we had a ton of signs specially shoes. So they gave me  2 guys too help me out. The one who helped me in shoes was pretty slow, he did 2 rows I did the rest, anyways any type of help was appreciated.  The other one I sent to infant gondolas which he didnt finish he just walked off. Found some signs on the end cap and thats how I figured out he had gone back to his area. At 8am when the store opens I was scheduled to be operator which also means I was the only one in softlines. I asked my lod for help since I had nobody he said everything was going to be ok but it wasnt signs werent done the team member that was supposed to go in at 11am also called in. I didnt get my breaks only my lunch and thats only because I practically begged, I went to lunch 10 minutes before going into compliance. I’ve made friends while I’ve been at Target and one of them thankfully stepped up and helped me finish the signing. A tl said it was the stupudest thing she’d heard when at 8am I told her I wasnt even done. I just wanted to slap her because it was just me working in softlines.

  • December 1, 2012 - Angered Sales Floor

    The Mega Bitch

    I have had some infuriating ETLs in the past, but none as bad as Mega-Bitch we’ll call her. She transferred to my store late September-early October and my life in Hardlines has become a living hell. Now, I’m sure I’m not the only one who becomes the ETLs punching bag bot God damn! enough is enough! Big flipping whoop if I take a few bathroom breaks during my shift and who the balls cares if I don’t respond to the lanes or call boxes quick enough. IT’S. STILL. GETTING. DONE! And now vicariously through my team leader she has the gall to threaten my job and his if I don’t turn things around? well forget that! I’m not going to give that cock-juggling thunder cunt the satisfaction of firing me! Once the holidays are over I’m outta there and hopefully on to somewhere employees are treated fairly.

  • November 14, 2012 - mirage117

    Treated VERY Unfairly

    I worked for Target over a year ago ,but I am still completely disgusted by the was I was treated. I hired into a store as a Senior Team Lead over Softlines and I didn’t really have any issues while I was there. Unfortunately, that store closed 3 months after I hired in, so I had to either take a buy out package or transfer. I ended up transferring to another store closer to home, and that was the BIGGEST mistake of my life. Before my transfer went through, the management at the new store wouldn’t even tell me what depertment I would be overseeing- it was some BIG secret… My first day working at the new store, I knew that I was going to be miserable… All of the ETL’s acted like snotty high school kids. If you did’t “fit in”, they would talk about you behind your back and make your life miserable- I witnessed them talking badly about another member of management on my first day there.

    After I was there for about a week, they decided to put me in charge of Presentation. I had never done anything in presentation on a large sccale before, but they expected me to perform my job like a seasoned manager.  My ETL would constantly get on me about my team’s performance, but I had no idea what it was they were supposed to be doing!
