Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

July 21, 2017 - mitty1324

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

I’ve been working at Target for almost 2 years now and I’m at my breaking point of whether I should just change my availability or put in my two weeks. Long post but, the first store I was at I started off as a seasonal cashier and was moved to guest service a few months later. I loved working in that area and I really cared to make guest service look nice, the LOD’s would tell me that it looks great. One of the GSAs ended up doing some sneaky shit and was stealing from the registers when we closed so she vanished for a bit while I had to run the front lanes. After she was stupid enough to come back, she was arrested, then came an opening for the position and I was told to go for it. So basically I tried to apply for the position 4 times within the year and half, each time getting screwed over. 1st and 2nd, I needed more experience which was understandable. 3rd, they hired someone from the back room who didn’t even know what she was doing (she told me herself and she ended up quitting like 2 months later lol). 4th time there was an opening they transferred someone in from another state and then this person took all the guest service shifts and it left me to do all cashiering shifts again. This whole time I was told I was not able to do it because of school, which is bs because the schedule should be easy to work with since we have 3 other GSAs. (I went back there after my transfer to see how the store was doing and now they’re down to 2 GSAs again because the other 2 quit.)

I moved so I transferred to another store. This store is SO much worse than the one I was at. I hate it. It’s super slow (we literally only have 2 cashiers til we close and sometimes one of them will leave around 8), half of the team members don’t know what they’re doing, and I’m back at the bottom again doing just closing cashier shifts. One particular GSA treats me as if I just got hired? I don’t know why she has a problem with me, I’ve only been there for a month and EVERY time I come into the store she gives me dirty looks or whenever I’m working she comes up to me and tells me basic info that I already knew multiple times. I was the first person to talk to her when I got there and told her what I did at my other store. She once stalked the lanes to see if I was asking for redcards. I don’t care anymore, I don’t ask for redcards, I take longer breaks, and I don’t push the additional cashiers button and let the lanes get backed up. I see no way that I’m going to be able to work my way back up, I was told by the HR that I would be “utilized” when one of the GSAs goes on maternity leave. Overall, this store is stressing me out, my old store screwed me over with the promotions, and I thought it would be better here which it isn’t. I got a new job and I currently just put in my request to only work 2 days during the week. Should I just quit?


Employee Experience / TargetSucks


  • EllieKatieCat says:

    I'd cut back on availability first that way, if the new job doesn't work out, you still have SOMETHING, but as soon as you know the new job is a keeper, QUIT TARGET


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