Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

February 10, 2012 - meganxrachelle

One of the most memorable nights …

I have been working at my Target store since September 2011. I got hired right before the holiday season, but was not seasonal. I was cross-trained in softlines, hardlines, and cashiering. I was taught how to push CAFs, work the fitting room, work in electronics, and even put the phones on overhead! How enjoyable my days were at Target before the holidays started.

When I was hired, I was warned by the ETL that there would be nights we would not get out until midnight .. especially with the upcoming holiday season. I agreed, yes, I can see how this is possible. I understand. I have worked in retail before, I know the demands. I know guests can be rude, I know I’ll be expected to run my butt off for little pay, I understand that there will be little appreciation. Regardless, I have found that Target is one of the only places I know of that will allow a full-time college student to work 40 hours a week. How lucky am I?

Now, working from 3:30 p.m.-2 a.m. doesn’t seem like a big deal right? Well it is. We did that almost every night I worked from December 14th until December 23rd. It was the holidays, team morale was low, and we knew what was just around the corner … But either way, when I was asked to work on Christmas Eve (because Target Corp. decided that it would be more beneficial to stay open until 9 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. on a holiday), I figured, ‘Well, I don’t have children, I’m single, I can work no problem.’ Then, upon finding out that we would receive a ONE DOLLAR BONUS from the hours of 5-9 p.m. that day, I was almost OVERCOME with giddiness. How thoughtful of you Target. It’s funny … most places give workers time and a half on those days.

Well, the holidays are now over. It’s February and we are still making at least $10-20,000 over our sales every night. The only difference? Instead of 5 team members in hardlines and 5 in softlines, there is now only 1 in softlines (ME) and 2 in hardlines. God bless us. On the night aforementioned in particular, I was graced with the presence of my ETL and a TL. The TL’s boyfriend worked the day shift and had so graciously left her some work to be completed during the night shift. So she took that offer, leaving me the 5 carts of reshop, the two full rails, and the entire department to zone. The ETL, whom was celebrating her birthday that night, sat in the HR office on the computer until 10 p.m. That night it was so busy, that I was running back-up (we only had 2 closing cashiers), helping with carts, taking guest calls in electronics, hardlines, and softlines, and pushing CAFs from the back room. The best part? I walked in on my ETL and TL sitting down to their delicious dinner of take-out from a local restaurant. They were sitting there for my entire 30 minute lunch, and were still there 2 hours later when I went on my last 15 minute break. Also, after telling them that there was still lots of work to be completed, I was reprimanded for not taking my breaks on time. Sorry, I was assisting guests and running register. My apologizes, oh so humble and compassionate leaders of Target.

Needless to say, both the TL and ETL must’ve gotten bored playing solitare and painting each others toenails, so they came out and superzoned the bathing suits while I finished up Ready-to-wear, GBI, Mens and Shoes, Accessories, Activewear, and Sleepwear. As they superzoned, they left an entire cart of bathing suits to be put back in the correct spots .. by me.

We left at 12:30 that night. Also, I went from working 40 hours/week during the holidays to 30 afterwards, down to 20 last week. It’s dropped to a whopping 8 hours this week. We’re making sales, I’m sure we have enough flex hours, where are the hours? Oh. That’s right. I forgot the ETL, STL, and TL bowling trip was this week. So I figure that’s where they’ll be. I’m glad you all get to go bowling for a day and we get to have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the break room for a reward for our “hard work and dedication throughout the holiday season.”

Anyone have Gregg Steinhafel’s number?


Employee Experience / TargetSucks


  • Hate_Me says:

    I got about to the third paragraph of your novel before my gag reflex kicked in. Get over it. You're lucky to have those kinds of hours. People in my city are LUCKY to get 25 hours, much less, full-time hours. As far as working late...I was a single mom for 14 months (by choice, mind you). I worked sometimes until 2:30 in the morning, and would go pick up my sleeping infant from my brother's, take her home, and maybe sleep for 3 or 4 hours, and do it all over again the next day. Your complaint is really pathetic because you're bitching about having too many hours, and you're acting like a spoiled little brat. If you don't like the job, fucking quit. That's what I did, and I got a much, much, much better job which makes 5 times annually what I was getting from Target, a.k.a. Shit Hole. Shut the fuck up and move on with your life. Jesus...

  • TargetSucks says:


    I got about to the third paragraph of your novel before my gag reflex kicked in. Get over it. You’re lucky to have those kinds of hours. People in my city are LUCKY to get 25 hours, much less, full-time hours. As far as working late…I was a single mom for 14 months (by choice, mind you). I worked sometimes until 2:30 in the morning, and would go pick up my sleeping infant from my brother’s, take her home, and maybe sleep for 3 or 4 hours, and do it all over again the next day. Your complaint is really pathetic because you’re bitching about having too many hours, and you’re acting like a spoiled little brat. If you don’t like the job, fucking quit. That’s what I did, and I got a much, much, much better job which makes 5 times annually what I was getting from Target, a.k.a. Shit Hole. Shut the fuck up and move on with your life. Jesus…

    If you read further, they're complaining about only getting 8 hours now that the holidays are over...

  • anonymousbrtm says:

    Well, once the season is over, you should be expecting to drop in hours. Some people at the target I work at may not even get one day, but then again most of them don't really care unless they really have something going on in their life that requires them to have more shifts, which the swap shift sheets are for. If you want more hours and someone really doesn't care to work, ask your fellow team members if they would be willing to give up a shift so you can get a little extra money in your pocket. I'm sure that as long as you aren't going into overtime (which in your case, doesn't seem like you are going to), then your ETLs should have no issues signing off on it. Just make sure you have that paper stored away just in case they try to screw over the person you took the shift from. The hours will eventually pick back up, but the "business needs" are so farfetched, you will need to check with your leadership or by TMSC to see if any shifts happen to be available.

  • Hate_Me says:

    Yeah, I was having a hard time reading it. New people who bitch about Target annoy me. Try 4 1/2 years, or more...then bitch. Haha. I don't mind the bitching so much...we ALL are here because we hate Target...but complaining like a 14 year-old whose prom date stood her up? Pathetic and a waste of time. Thanks for summing it up for me though, so I didn't have to waste 3 minutes of my life reading it. 🙂

  • TargetSucks says:


    Yeah, I was having a hard time reading it. New people who bitch about Target annoy me. Try 4 1/2 years, or more…then bitch. Haha. I don’t mind the bitching so much…we ALL are here because we hate Target…but complaining like a 14 year-old whose prom date stood her up? Pathetic and a waste of time. Thanks for summing it up for me though, so I didn’t have to waste 3 minutes of my life reading it. :)

    There's a fine line between complaining like a stood up 14 year old girl and bitching. 🙂

  • Hate_Me says:

    A very fine line, indeed. 😉

  • viciousdave says:

    Hate_Me, screw you! I've been working for Target for 3 years damn it. My hours were full time, now only 28 to 32 at the most. I answer a lot of guest questions and complaints, do a lot of service, put bags in carts of disabled and old people, do extra work when I don't even have to but I help out anyway. Do I get a raise? No. My first raise, 8 cents, why, cause the stupid bitch GSTL said I was lazy and she only saw me when guests were yelling and mad at me. She never saw when I was doing the extra work and extra efforts I was giving to each guest. She never recognized shit. You think we're just 12 year olds complaining about shit? Screw you jerk dip shit. I work my fucking ass off, and never get recognized for it when it comes to the yearly raise time. Target needs to be burned and broken for the shit they do or need a brand new set of TLs.

  • Hate_Me says:

    You sound like you hate Target and are deflecting your anger onto me haha. That's alright, most Target employees do that. Stop doing the extra work, brainiac. Obviously, you're not appreciated in the slightest...go're a cashier. Cashiers are at the bottom of the totem pole, next to cart attendants. If you're trying too hard at Target, you're fighting a lost battle. And after 3 years, if you haven't figured out that you're going nowhere-fast-then you're an idiot.

    And as far as that "extra" work you do? That's really nothing out of the ordinary...that's just customer service. I think if you go in there with the kind of attitude you seem to have on here, it's no wonder your "stupid bitch GSTL" doesn't look twice at you.

    I left, got a better job, and I work my ass off for my money. Stay classy though... hahaha


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