Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

November 16, 2012 - AshleyMoore95

Oh You havent HEARD NOTHING YET…part 1 to be continued

I TRULY,TRULY ,HATE TARGET WITH EVERY BEING IN MY FIBER..I have worked for those selfish,blood sucking leaches for 5 long ass years and let me tell you it takes a strong stomach to digest the bullshit I have endured over the years. SHORT summary working their,your bound to commit yourself in the asylum. OK 1st yr coworker are banging the ETLs in the electronics room. Coworkers have sex in the dirty ass,smelly roach infested staircase. Yr 2 Short pay, long hours and no type of care for employees what’s so ever. 3 ye got prgenant lost it due to stress from work, being told to carry baby wipes off palettes while pregnant anyway. One of my door key holders only teamleads says to me after I loose my 2nd child due from stress and overwork from this hellover job, how many more babies can I loose..Really are you freaking kidding me? NO WAIT THERES MORE, so I report to my HR like any sane, disrespected, employee and you know they did, NOTHING…During my harsh times a couple of death in the family, I was told to try to over look my pain for the sake of the company on a no truck, just pull night.


Employee Experience / TargetSucks


  • Hate_Me says:

    Ookaaayyy... You can't really sit there and self-diagnose your miscarriages, blaming them on Target haha. I mean, it's a shitty fucking company, but I wouldn't necessarily call them baby killers.....


    They're baby killers.

    Anyway, your rant was pretty confusing to read; were YOU the one boning ETL's in the stock room and grinding dudes in the staircase? Is that how you got pregnant? ...Had to ask...

    "One of my door key holders only teamleads says to me after I loose my 2nd child due from stress and overwork from this hellover job, how many more babies can I loose" This run-on sentence was just hellishly confusing, and I have no idea what a hellover job is.

  • quitters_win says:

    I worked at Target for 5 years also and I didn't get any pussy while I was there. Though I don't doubt that sex was going on; I just didn't hear about it.


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