Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

April 19, 2012 - cromeg

Just drained.

I’m honestly about ready to quit this crap job.

I loved the former store I worked at, but after transferring to one on the other side of the country, I’m just not happy. Everyone treats me like I’m an actual new hire and I have no idea what my job is, even if I repeat myself over and over that I’ve been with this stupid store for two years. I’m trained in hardlines, guest service, and electronics. But you know where they put me day in and day out? Cashiering. They won’t even CONSIDER promoting me to GSTL/GSA. I’ve been there for 2 years but every GSA that I work for has been there less time than me, and they were hired these positions as new hires. It’s literally impossible to move up.

Not to mention, in February I found out I am pregnant. The week I found out, they called me and I (unfortunately) answered. They tried to get me in as a cart attendant shift. I’ve never worked as a cart attendant, and I told them I didn’t feel comfortable doing that shift. They harassed me and asked me over why I couldn’t come in and I flat out told them that I had just found out I was pregnant. I went from working 20-30 hours a week to 9. Even no hours a week after that. After I bitched about it to them, I finally got 30 hours again. The next week? 14 hours. I’ve been having a really complicated pregnancy so far, and I’m constantly sick and in and out of the hospital on days when I’m not working. Today I was supposed to work 4-11 and I’ve had the stomach flu and a high fever the past two days, but I went in and sucked it up because they’ve been letting people go for “poor attendance”. So I figured that maybe making an effort would be a good impression. Nope. My GSTL told me to talk to the LOD about going home and let’s just say the LOD was not pleased, at all. He told me that going home early was the same as “calling out” so I have a feeling I have a coaching when I go back in later this week.

They know I’m pregnant. They know things have been rough for me. Yet they show no remorse. They don’t care when I’m in the bathroom every 10 minutes puking or gagging or dry heaving or whatever.

I’d rather just not work or find a new job than be here. Two years is two years too many. I’m fed up.


Employee Experience / TargetSucks


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