Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

August 12, 2013 - kashigirl

Another one for T1846

Totally amazing, this website kicks ass! Even though we don’t know who’s who on here I’m glad we’re doing it together. That’s how it should be, we as little bitty team members who get stepped on, peed on, spit on and stomped on should watch each others back.

Dont trust anyone higher than you, don’t trust any member of management who says they will help, shit might as well hang yourself. These ETL’s are so so fake and you can see right through them. ALL OF THEM except for one. The only one that I personally think is real is the hard lines Etl. I’m not gonna mention her name but we all know who she is.

Do I trust her? Yes. Would I confide in her to tell her what and how I feel? Maybe. And the only reason for that is only because she is management and she has to do her job. But on a humanly level yes I would totally trust her.

So there are more than a handful of people who are transferring to another store, I’m happy for all of them! They deserve to be happy and to be treated with respect. I’m sure that they will be appreciated and recognized for their hard work. Unlike at this shitty ass store where you bust your ass doing your job but you don’t get the recognition you deserve. The ETL’s get it instead.

So unfair! Great team cards?? Well the same people write them for the same team members. It has been like this for a very long time. What’s even worse is when you know you have driven sales, helped as much as you could and even managed to get some red cards yet your Etl doesn’t give one fuck about it. She overlooks it and doesn’t acknowledge or recognize you over the walkie like she does about others. Pretty fucking lame.


Employee Experience / TargetSucks T1846 /


  • TargetSucks says:

    Welcome to the site! But don't be too excited for the transfers. They're going to what may or may not be a shittier store, but it's still a Target, so it will still suck.

  • asdfasdfasdf says:

    I read ihatetarget after every shift and every-time I see a new post about 1846 I'm excited haha

  • kashigirl says:

    @asdfasdfasdf I get excited too! Lol. Fuck T1846 I'm sure you work at our store but have you noticed how the ETL's starting with Rebecca they're playing investigators like they're inspector fucken gadget trying to find out who's posting on here.
    They're talking to team members supposedly asking them "how can they help make their jobs more fun and exciting" like they really give a fuck about how we feel. Bitch please, they're just fuming with anger cause their "lovely" store and their names are being blasted on this site.
    For reals though get a fucken life you're all just a bunch of young and full of cum ETL's who can care less about our feelings. You just wanna find out who's posting what so you can fire them but I hope you don't think that this will stop. There's so many people on here and you don't even know it.
    Bitch we're making you famous! You are getting recognized for something good you're all doing which is NOTHING. We recognize all of you for being attached at the hip with one another we recognize how none of you ETL's can ever act or do something alone. All you do is look down on all of us!
    You're all full of shit and yes you smell like it too. Get over it! Go and work, sweat a little bust ass for once, lead by example like you all should be doing.
    But no, instead you're all too worried about this site. You guys are on this site as much as we are the only difference is that we post and you don't.

    Simone was about the only mature enough Store Team Lead that cared and gave a shit about the stores morale. Too bad she's gone, I'm glad she got promoted but man our store went to shit since she's been gone.


  • asdfasdfasdf says:

    Right I think the ETLs spend too much time in packs and hiding in the TMSC sometimes when we're really busy. Once in a while it'd be nice if they'd come help us backup and get a redcard.
    I've yet to see an ETL's name on the weekly green redcard conversion rate paper posted in the hallway. It doesn't matter who you are. Whether you're a "Team" member, a "Team" Leader, or an Executive "Team" Leader... this is a "Team" effort. If you want to be regarded as a "Team" Leader you need to set an example and help the "Team" when we desperately need it. A person acting as if they're more important than others is not what a team needs.

  • gordon says:

    Sometimes transferring to another Target store is not the answer. Do your research first. Next thing you know is that you "jumped out of the kettle into a frying pan." You have to really know how to stand your ground in Target if you know policy and not blow up. Well sometimes you can blow up without the curse words. You do not have to suck up and be an ass kisser cause eventually you will be shitted on. I know the favoritism sucks and that certain etl's would be nothing without their team leaders. It sucks when you see an etl getting all or most of the recognition when they had little or no part in the success. The Target hotline serves no purpose as it is a gateway to more retaliation and pathetic raises. What Target stores need are Human Resource managers who are honest(not liars), who are fair, who do not tailor to gossip, who say what they mean and meet what they say and act accordingly, who are not puppets for unfair stl's, who have an open door policy, who do not make things look good in paper work when it does not justify the reality of the store, who do not plot to fire team members who speak up, who are fair in the corrective action procedures for all, who are not air heads but most importantly an HR manager that we can trust. It will be interesting to see to what end Target will end. I was first introduced to this site by a team leader and since then I have mentioned it to a few more target team members, team leaders included. I thought it was quite interesting because when I told one of the team leads, he pulled me in the office, closed the door and unsuccessfully tried to access this website via Workbench. The comments or stories shared on this site are similar to some of the experiences by team members at our store. I had to be clear and let them know that it is "" and not "" I do not trust the stl or any of the etl's some not so much others not at all. Target has long become a company of slave drivers and stress. Payroll sucks and yet they have the same expectations. Target had demonized lots of us. In the end they will all pay for all of their sins perhaps starting with their STINKING RED CARD!

  • Angelknight says:

    I got a question guys. Do you guys get any special promos for signing up a customer say like you get 20k hbc points for every hbc cc you sign up. So 4 of them and you get $10 free store credit. And upgrading customers to the hbc mastercard from the hbc store credit card also netted you an extra 10k hbc points. so upgrade 8 people and again $10 store credit. 🙂 that's what zellers employees uh got lol.

  • Angelknight says:

    I was uh wondering if you guys got any "money for red cards"

  • kashigirl says:

    @angelknight: no we don't get anything at all. The store team lead is the one who gets a hefty bonus for it we don't get shit! Which is some straight bullshit but of course we get in trouble when we don't get red cards cause then she don't get her bonus that WE work for!

  • Angelknight says:

    that shines a whole new light on things. No wonder target refused to take on ex zellers employees when they bought the zellers leases. Because if i remember correctly we get 20k hbc points on the store loyalty program, which in turn if we sign up 4, it adds up to a free $10 store giftcard, which is as good as money. Even though the ex-zellers employees know how to sell the company card and are able to push it like mad, target doesn't want them. Too cheap to pay employees $2.50 to sign up a red card.

  • Angelknight says:

    I mean uh $2.50 per red card xD

  • Angelknight says:

    lol target thinks it can't gouge customers up here xD and pay their employees peanuts. Too bad, if ya gonna pay your employees peanuts and charge me double, i'm not gonna buy. xD, I guess i could always use my local credit union credit card and force target to indirectly contribute to paying people a living wage though the interchange fees. MUHAHAHAHAHA.

  • kashigirl says:

    @angelknight: thanks for understanding hun, you know it's not so much that we hate not getting nothing for pushing red cards but what really bothers us is that management doesn't even bother to say hello or a simple: how's your day going? The first thing that comes out of their mouths is: how many red cards are you gonna get? And God forbid you get 3 or 4 on your shift because then they tell you: okay now you have to get two more before your shift is over! What kind of shit is that? They will NEVER be happy.

  • Angelknight says:

    . Target needs to learn that honey attracts more flies than vinegar. We were told one guy signed up so many store cc cards that he didn't have to pay for his gas bill during training. target ought to give the employees an incentive to sign up store credit cards or the mastercard. During the xmas season, hbc employees were also given an incentive (10k hbc points on hbc rewards account) to upgrade customers to the mastercard. xD, erm 10k hbc points = $1.25. Now i hear target canada employees aren't allowed water at the lanes and i'm like wut? I was uh told to have water at the lanes when i was being trained at zellers as a cashier.


    At T-2255 they did slip pulls for prizes when you got rc's during the winter months. I got a hand full of free movies due to it.

    The store im at now, they some what pad their numbers by having people they know come in, open a card, and even apply for a debit card as well.

    But ya the stl gets a nice bonus but the team doesn't jack squat, even walmart has an employee bonus but that is off sales plan.

    Target is so damn cheap they wont even do that for their employees.

    A few of the ppl got to 8% conversion and greater by doing that.

  • edelmira says:

    Target simply sucks!


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