Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

March 31, 2014 - TargetGrunt

“Your Recent E-mail”

If you’ve been reading through the comments sections on here you may have noticed that I posted Gregg Steinhafel’s email address and encouraged others to email him their concerns directly, to which another user said “No that won’t help at all lol. Might as well e-mail Margie Phelps and ask her to stop picketing the funerals of fallen soldiers.” Despite that being an excellent point, I decided to try emailing the smug bastard anyways, making sure to include several of the articles and statistics that we’ve gathered on here.

This is the response I got:

“Your report has been received by the Target Headquarters Employee Relations and Integrity Hotline team. Thank you for taking the time to contact us with your concerns. Based on the information provided at this time there is not enough detail or specifics to enable someone to look into your concerns.

Please let us know if you would like to provide additional information, such as your specific store location. We encourage team members to provide their contact information to facilitate a thorough investigation. The identity of anyone who reports in good faith will be protected within the constraints of legal requirements, and retaliation is not tolerated.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact us.” –

So yeah, turns out LODSaretheMissingLink was spot on. Steinhafel probably didn’t even read the email and instead forwarded it without a second thought. I’m even more amazed they even bothered asking for my store’s location.

My response:

“I went through the effort of procuring an anonymous email client, do you really believe that I’ve any intention to give up my store location? Besides, the issues I addressed are company wide if you would’ve taken the five minutes to read what my email stated or read the posts on here.

Nevertheless I can see that despite my intentions that no change will come of further communication.

You will not hear from me again.”

As is the creed of this website, fuck Target. And furthermore, fuck Gregg Steinhafel.


TargetSucks fuck target / Gregg Steinhafel / pointless /


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