Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Tag / I quit

  • August 25, 2017 - softlineszombie20

    Dobby is a free house elf

    Long story short, quit before probationary period ended. Don’t really care about opinions like “if you can’t make it 90 days good luck in the real world!” Well I didn’t go to college and graduate to work retail, so save the comment for someone who cares.


  • February 14, 2015 - viciousdave

    I will quit soon

    Why? Well because I’ll be moving and I don’t drive because of health reasons I have.  I’ve been working for Target for over 6 years now.  As usual for most people it started out good years ago when  I started and then turned into shit.  I’ve also had a lot of bad health problems of new brain tumor benign and hearing loss but not deaf while working at Target.  I also hate how the GSTLs always go did you ask for red card, always ask for red card every guest.  But I’m so use to the job that leaving is like ah crap now I have to learn something new at a new job I have to find.  I am getting a hearing aid tomorrow but as I’ve said I got so use to the job it’s gonna be hard moving on to another job.  I’ll be overall glad to quit though as GSTLs crap, guest crap on coupons no no why can’t I use more, you messed up on my Wic check, blah blah.  You didn’t get the right stuff or you didn’t put the right stuff in the forward position so I could see it to put it on the WIC check you poor sap!  I might have to get SSD or SSI anyway with my tumor and ear problem, I can only hear out of one ear and now I have tinnitus plus the loss of hearing so the hearing aid won’t do much help but some.  Overall I posted this to say fuck Target I’ll soon be quitting after I return next week of getting my hearing aid. 
