Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

November 22, 2014 - moodybutts

Seasonal? Not Seasonal? What gives?

I was hired in early October. Not once in any interviews did they say anything about me being a seasonal worker. All of my paperwork says Hardlines, Part-Time, stuff like that, yet I am treated as a seasonal employee and constantly reminded about how my time may be limited now that I am working there. What happens if they try to let me go at the end of the season for being a “Seasonal Worker” when that isn’t documented at all? I won’t be too heartbroken if they make me leave but is that even legal? To document me as one kind of worker and then try to say I’m not and get rid of me? What are my options if this happens? Has anyone else had this experience?


Employee Experience / TargetSucks anxiety / bad management / hardlines / HELP! / seasonal / unfair /


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