November 2, 2014 - bmw21491
Ok need some info on target
had an interview for a season job. Offered the job. But also offered a job at kohls. For early morning stock. Don’t know which one to take. I am leaning more towards kohls. But do they let male employees wear long hair? Does anyone know. Plus would target work me over 25 hrs a week. That’s all I signed up to work for. On my application?

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You posted your question on a website called "Target Sucks" with hundreds of stories and thousands of comments talking about Target horror stories. I think that should answer your question in itself.
Dude!!!! Don't do it!!!! Don't do it!!! Run!!! Run fast!!!!!
tarshit may give you 25 hours a week for a short time to make you think they do as they promise, but all of a sudden they will change things, and you will see how tarshit operates.
I got sucked into the tarshit lies and quit 2 other jobs I had, thinking oh tarshit is a good wrong I was..........
Like I say, RUN, don't walk as far away from working with people who will lie to you all the time, treat you worse then the dog dirt accidentally on a pair of shoes, and they think it's all OK, if Minnesota sanctions something, it absolutely must be right mentality......
sadly as I walked though my local target to access the mall, some poor lady was filling out a job app at their hiring fair in store. I looked at her and shook my head and thought lady you don't know what you're getting into.
Take the kohl's job. Run far far away from tarshit.