Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

March 26, 2014 - pinkzinnia

expired coupons

In the past week or so we were told to accept expired coupons, change prices on items if guests say it was lower then it rang up – up to 20.00 and all in all do anything to make the guest happy. Bend over anyway possible to please them.

Sales are down, redcards are down and they don’t have a good marketing team.

Do they really think that all that bending over is going to bring in more redcards? Management is stupid..all it’s going to do is let the people who enjoy ripping the store off, rip it off even more.

The only way they are going to start getting redcards is to do some WOW tv, radio, Internet commercials and offer something special, something new.. Doesn’t corporate get that? Stupid.. Just stupid..




  • Silverfox says:

    They need to make us want to shop there. Right now there's not much incentive unless I'm looking for on sale clothing that's there's probably some left in my size due to the lack of traffic.

  • Silverfox says:

    Oh and make their red card more attractive. 5% discount only works if you're planning to buy electronics in target usa and want the extended warranty. So the target rbc red card works as it the 5% discount target gives you cancels out the 2.5% forex fee rbc charges you. Only reason I would get one is, if I was planning to buy a new cell phone though target as a dealer for t-mobile outright and use the rbc mastercard for the extra year of extended warranty, then convert the card back to a better card at rbc when i get home.

  • jersey0420 says:

    My store is doing the exact same things

  • viciousdave says:

    I know, seriously. I just spoke to Target headquarters over the phone located in Minneapolis, MN. They said no, store owners and all leaders must follow Target guidelines and not accept coupons if they are expired. Yet, my store and your store go on about oh we must please the guests so well that we will give them a coupon for this, type in for expired coupons and even give extra money off for the cart wheel app not working. WHAT? Seriously? So the corporate office says absolutely not, that's wrong of your leaders to do, yet my store and your store say oh no we need to be super nice and accept all coupons even if it's expired.? I say bullshit. Well it's clear now, Target is for freeloaders because now they accept anything, even copied coupons and expired.

  • takemethere says:

    we were told the same thing. In a nut shell Target is giving away team member raises away all over Canada and the US by doing this. For those of us who are smart enough, and depending on what you are buying at Target, you are really saving anything with the 5% off. There prices have skyrocketed or overpriced for lots of their merchandise. Trust me on this. When the second or third mark downs are taken for clearance items and you use you use the red card that is when you are truly saving.

  • takemethere says:

    we were told the same thing. In a nut shell Target is giving away team member raises away all over Canada and the US by doing this. For those of us who are smart enough, and depending on what you are buying at Target, you are NOT saving anything with the 5% off. There prices have skyrocketed or overpriced for lots of their merchandise. Trust me on this. When the second or third mark downs are taken for clearance items and you use you use the red card that is when you are truly saving.

  • Kellseee says:

    HAHA. Damn. Is it that whole Be Bold thing? They told us the same thing at our store, so some idiot decided that they should sell a Patio Furniture Display and knock off $90 from the price......and then they got pissed and told us "thats not what they meant by be bold...."


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