Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Tag / Savannah Georgia

  • April 12, 2013 - discodork

    I feel like I’m the target!

    So I started in November of last year as a seasonal person and when the season was over I got handed the paper that said such n such of a date was my last day. Which I was pretty ok with not coming back at that point I thought well its not my loss so I will just stick it out until then. I did stick it out and it was about three days until my last day and my TL gave me a call and said well we decided to keep you some hours just open up and we chose you! I wanted to cry but not for joy at all. I was like well shit I need a job for rent and bills and that sort of thing so I was like …. sure I’ll stay (already knowing how much I was going to hate it)

    So that TL was on and off for our store to train to be a LOD at another store so she could move up at a totally different store. This one particular TM in the area I worked in which was softlines, was training to be a TL. I asked where is she going to be a TL because someone told me that you cannot be a TL over the area you were in before because then everyone you worked with would look at you like you are still the same with no power over them, basically they wouldn’t respect you at all, which I could see that. Well as time went on the TL we had moved on a month before her date for the new store and the girl training for TL got her spot. (So I guess what I said before is not true, about being over a different area that is, the respect thing is though).
