Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Tag / #overit

  • December 13, 2014 - boionfire24

    Dis tew much!!!!

    I’ve been working for target for about a year now and i love this site. I’ve been reading almost every post surprised that others are going through the same problems i am. This will be my first post and hopefully be my last as i don’t plan on working at this place too much longer.

    So today i got my corrective action and I’m surprised that it took so long for them to say or do anything about it. I’ve been late more than a few time and i will admit that i do have somewhat of an attitude so those are 2 things i can take accountability for but what they wrote and said to me i can’t deal with like i said in my headliner dis tew much.
