Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Tag / Oregon

  • October 1, 2013 - montanelly

    Target is not selling product!

    Hello guys.

    Came to Albany, OR store, and purchased 6 Febreze items, $2.99 each. kinda of home spray, to kill scent.

    I have had coupons to take one item free with purchase of 2 similar. Coupon not to exceed $3.99

    When came to register, cashier just scanned coupon, not reading content.

    Register took $3.99 off.

    I have pointed on it to cashier, she got stuck for being not knowing how to fix it.

    Customer service manager came, got mad, that I take 6 items, accused of store clean-up, and refused to complete sale.

    Wondering, if someone can help locate Oregon stores district manager, so I can ask my questions to him, or her. thanks

