Let me just start by saying if you read my earlier posts on this site, I really didn’t hate any higher ups. In fact, I looked up to them and one day wanted to be them. When I first read this site, I couldn’t imagine how any managers or workers could be so awful to all of you. And I’m so sorry for doubting you guys. Today I think is the day I’m job hunting. It’s been a long seven months and I’ve watched my brand new target go from something I was so proud to be a part of to something only nightmares could conjur up. Over the past few months, my STL has become a prick. Honestly, I feel like everyone higher up actually. But the funny thing is, they’re only pricks to MY team. I don’t get why instocks has to be the bitch of the store and take on the workload of so many teams, but we do. And of course they’ll be the hardest on the trainer right? Guess who that would be. Me. When the TL isn’t around, ohhhhh they come to me.
So I worked for target in a hardlines position for a good 3 months only to be fired two days before my ninety days was up. While California is an at will employment state they don’t need a reason. They need even less while in your ninety days. From day one my boss had a vendetta against me. She consistently gave me three departments to cover usually toys hba and sporting goods. Toward the end of my shift she would bring everyone over to point of things I did wrong and have everyone fix my horrible zone. When she fired me i asked for a reason why and she gave me the arbitrary reason of “I just feel like this job isn’t a good fit for you.” later do I find out that my executive team lead didn’t even know she wanted to fire me and that HR said if she wanted me gone she would have to be the one to do it.