March 4, 2014 - takemethere
So Target was warned two months in advance that there might be a possible breach into their point of sales systems but they simply brushed the warnings aside and now this breach is currently estimated to cost them over 400 million dollars. I wonder if the company will ever bounce back from this traumatic experience. So many law suits! They have since downsized in cutting back positions both worldwide and in the U.S. Local stores. Stores have until September to get to head count so etl’s and team leaders whose positions will no longer be relevant will have until September to get new jobs or perhaps transfer to another store in a different available position. NO severance pay is given to such. Through out our district, people are leaving the company regardless, STL’s included. In a lot of stores executive team leads will have 2 positions and in rare cases 3. The work load is phucking unbelievable and the morale and service scores is constantly going downhill as stores struggle to keep team members. Their new AE scoring system is hellbent on keeping our raises to a minimum if any at all. It is predictable that lots more will leave or quit target now and before 3rd quarter kicks in. These new interns will not like what they see when they come to some of these stores. Attendance issues has plagued this company for years in most of its stores and I do not believe that that culture will change until Target learns to be fair and build trust in its stores. You can thank senior management for that. For the most part we do not have the right etl’s in place cause they do not care and most of them are lazy. IT is not fair when ETL HR fires a team member for attendance issues only to save another team member for the same or worse attendance issues simply because he gets red cards. After 110 million people had their information stolen from credit and debit card information to personal pin numbers, names, emails, phone numbers and physical addresses TARGET IS AT IT AGAIN: GUEST ARE ALREADY UNCOMFORTABLE SHOPPING AT OUR STORES SINCE THE BREACH BUT ONCE AGAIN THE COMPANY IS GOING AGAINST POLICY AND PRESSURING CASHIERS TO ASK EVERY GUEST TO APPLY FOR THE RED CARD AS OPPOSED TO ONLY ASKING WHEN PROMPTED. IT IS SAD. SOME GUESTS GET ANGRY. SOME WILL SHUT YOU DOWN BEFORE YOU CAN EVEN ASK THEM ABOUT THE RED CARD. SOME GUESTS WHO ALREADY HAVE A RED CARD REFUSE TO USE IT AND I DO NOT BLAME THEM. EVEN THOUGH TARGET SAYS THAT THE ISSUE IS FIXED REGISTERS ARE STILL SHUTTING DOWN AND REBOOTING AND PIN PAD ISSUES ARE STILL CONSTANT. IT IS AS IF SOME KIND OF VIRUS HAS BEEN LEFT BEHIND IN THEIR POINT OF SALES SYSTEMS. IT WAS NOT MY FAULT BUT I SOME HOW FELT SOMEWHAT RESPONSIBLE WHEN THIS GUEST CAME BY OUR STORE AND TOLD ME THAT HE OPENED A RED CARD ACCOUNT WITH ME. HIS ACCOUNT WAS COMPROMISED AS A RESULT OF THE BREACH. IT IS RED CARD HELL ALL OVER AGAIN.

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You think you have it tough?I don't work at target and I have to ask too and what makes it worse is that some people have our "card" and are paying with it but do not know their card does double duty as the store loyalty card which we are now pushing at the till. Look on the bright side, at least your customers know what a red card is and what it looks like.
"Attendance issues has plagued this company for years in most of its stores and I do not believe that that culture will change until Target learns to be fair and build trust in its stores. You can thank senior management for that. For the most part we do not have the right etl’s in place cause they do not care and most of them are lazy."
And yet these idiots who are supposedly "leaders" rarely ever get in trouble for being lazy. Two of the TLs at my store are dating (although they've not told HR/STL) and whenever the two of them have the same shift they dump all of their responsibilities onto their respective teams. What's even more maddening is that if their teams refuse to do their supervisor's job, the TLs have the authority to write them up.
The whole company just needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt from scratch.
Not only this, but the stores in my state have almost all moved to a 6am start time for logistics; giving us only two hours to unload the truck/pull pallets before the store opens. The other day we still had pallets on the floor - many of which were blocking the aisles - as late as 1:30pm, a whopping 6.5 hours AFTER the truck unload. And so far all of the management thinks the new process is "amazing" despite the number of guest complaints we've gotten.
Between the harassment at the checklanes, the lackluster supervisory teams, and the morning process blocking off the sales floor, it's amazing that we have any business anymore.
It's pretty funny how they are always stressing YOU HAVE TO ASK EVERY GUEST ABOUT THE REDCARD now look where the Redcard has gotten them. HA. Karma's a bitch huh Target.
Techically target doesn't personally issue the target red visa card. Td does in the states and rbc does in canada. Canadian companies handle target's red credit card now. And I don't exactly trust td with my info. They messed up and somehow changed the address they had on file for me and sent my replacement cc to the wrong address when my visa with them expired.
My GSTl has been making us ask customers "WHY, do you not want our Red Cards?" The main answer I get is.. Because I do not want one.. Is that a good enough reason.. or.. a guest will say NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. It isn't our business to ask for a reason why they do not want a red card. Every guest has the right to choose, all we can do is inform them of what a Red Card is and the benefits.
lol wow your GSTL is a fucking dumbass. That REDcard shit does nothing but drive customers away because no one fucking wants one and they sure as fuck don't want to be pestered about it.
lol, saving 1 cent on paper is not my idea of savings. Saving 4% is not exactly savings either. Saving 40 cents for every 10 spent, I'm not sure if that's such a good deal. Most credits cards these days offer at least 1% cashback or equivalent in points. Depending on the card, you can get up to 5% cashback. So really, does target think it can compete with the big cards out there?
I feel you on the whole September cut-off/downsize lf TLs. I was a benched TL but since they need to cut leaders i really had no chance to move with this poor of excuse company. My team leader pushed me hard to get out of this company, now i work at a different retailer as a supervisor. My ETLs were a bit upset that I left them but I am human and would of liked to get promoted, since i busted my ass.