March 18, 2015 - TiredTargetear
Tired of being yelled at for not getting RED CARDS!!!!l
Let me start off with saying that this REDCARD crap is ridiculous. I work at a target where it is not that big of a town so we get alot of loyal guest that come in everyday and already have the REDCARD. A REDCARD is a great thing to have Im not going to lie but they push it way to damn far to expect on getting 44 REDCARDS a week. I mean really??
I am a cashier and I have been since October of 2014. I love helping people and being able to get them rang up fast an be friendly. I am not the person to stand there and push someone into getting a damn REDCARD that I know they probably don’t want anyway. These last two weeks I have gone into work and been harassed by the GSTL’S that I am not talking to EVERY SINGLE GUEST about the damn REDCARD. Well you know what I could care less. I do ask people and half the time the answer is NO, why because they have heard it so many damn times they are sick of it. That to me isn’t great guest service its fucking harassment. Half the time people don’t even have checks on them even if they do want one. I try my best but that must not be good enough for them when I have to be pulled into a room and talked to about why Im not asking everyone. IM NOT GONNA ASK SIX YEARS BUYING GUM THEY WONT KNOW WHAT THEY HELL IT IS. Or someone buying two dollars worth in stuff because really that not gonna even save them more than 5 cents. So sick and tired of this its not even funny. MOVE ME TO THE DAMN FLOOR ALREADY. I am not gonna be a robot on repeat and ask consistently. They even want to ask the people that already have one and say great your saving 5% with us….ARE YOU KIDDING ME I THINK THEY KNOW. I don’t know how much more I can truly take before I go insane….

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Right!! I couldn't agree more. The whole RedCard thing is so bogus. It's all that is monitored or cared about. The redcard and surveys. They turn the job into complete and total torture. I have never worked for such a stupid out of touch company. Management is focused on all the wrong things. I can't belive this company actually makes any money.
This is getting so irritating I don't even know what to do anymore. I'm tired of being yelled at. When I got hired I asked to be on the floor not to be a primary cashier! But there excuse is that there is no hours on the floor.
They are liars. When i was hired after seeing my 1st schedule i called the HR person to change my availabilty from anytime to anytime 3 days so that i could can another job. I explained that i needed to work 40 hours in order to pay my rent. The HR said the 40 hours would be no problem and that i would be cross taines in other depatments to make sure i got the hours i needed. Fast forward to January when the hours disappeared... Nothing more than 30, and no cross training. Apparently the only time people are scheduled enough hours is during the Holiday season. They are liars. They knew there was no way they could promise 40 hours past January. I suspect the managers get a bonus bases on the # of redcards their store sells. It's the only thing that makes sense. They are the absolute WORST company... Worst because the pretend to be decent when they couldn't be further, any company that pays their employees such low wages can't be considered a decent company.
On top of that all we didn't have a cart attendant for two weeks because they cut his hours. So they made cashiers house out and get carts. We have NOTHING holding the carts together. No rope or anything so they carts don't stay together that well. I went out at night to get about five there was a car pulling out and a dip in the parking lot. I stopped and all the front carts kept going and was about to hit the car. So I ran after it to stop it from hitting the car and I rolled my foot and couldn't walk because it hurt so bad. Had to fill out a accident report and everything. Found out that I had fractured my foot and I am in a walking boot cast. They told me the had light duty work and that I could return as soon as I wanted. So I did since the doctor note said SIT DOWN WORK ONLY. I thought they would stick by it and have me do the fitting room or something. They are having me sit on a wooden stool and that. It sucks the hardest thing EVER. And still ask me to zone and close at night. What the hell!
I agree, no one likes pushy sales people, and then at my store you have to remind them of their benefits and tell them about pharmacy rewards too. The whole cashiering experience is very robotic and impersonal. If no cashiers or other staff are within hearing distance I don't ask unless I need to get one bad. I got two this week so that's enough to get them off my back for a bit thank goodness, and I got them just asking them if they wanted it half a$$ed not talking a mile a minute and pushing the points over and over like some of the other cashiers.
Wow!! Just wow. Cutting the cart attendants hours and having cashiers get carts can you say poor management? Every policy, everything they do is backwards. The managers have "drunk the KoolAid" there is no consistancy with anything except the pushing of the redcard/surveys. I wish more states would file land use laws that prohibit big box stores from doing business there. The chain stores are the destruction of the community and the local economy. Providing low wage jobs helps no one especially when they monopolize people's time and ability to find other employment.
I remember a lot of time people actually Thank me... yes, Actually Thank me for not shoving reds cards down there throats. Target is in too much in their ego and their ideology for communicating and building relationship with customer. But at the same time, there annoying the hell out of them and destroy trust with the guests... ooppsss customers... yes, Target there customers. So get with the program!
same thing happened to me, i had a few people thank me. building a relationship with customers isn't shoving cards down their throat when they want to pay and leave, it's not having the wrong prices and promotions on the register,confusing sale signs etc. they need to rework themselves as a company.
I couldn't agree more! I know they got sued for false advertising, but even now..... There's still false advertising going on with confusing sale signs. "reworking themselves" Monkeys at a rain forest making better organization then these clowns!
Exactly. We have a supermarket down the street from the store and i can't tell you how many people will tell me "at ##### it's simply buy one get on free or half off" (same item), not buy one get "another item somewhere else on the shelf in particular size with the exception of etc etc" in small print under the large buy one get one xxxx sometimes located under the wrong items, and half the time the promotion doesn't even come up on the register.
Whats the most shocking but not surprising for us employee's that it not just ONE area... it's the WHOLE store in general. Boys, Girls, babies, Home Improvements, Bed, Make up and Cosmetics, HBA, Groceries, Electronic and HECK!!! even got CLEARANCE.... yes..., Clearance is completely wrong. It like HOLY FUCKING MONKEY SHIT!!
The problem is only us employee can read the sign because we got used to how the sign works but when it come to regular person... is confusing. The fine print is too small and something to small for my own eye at times lol
Instead of yelling at their employees for red cards maybe they could actually pay their bills?
ssshhhiiittzzz! I know right!
right and oh yeah! Stop trying to stiff the tax payers. Their failure in Canada imo was nothing more than a big shindig to try to gouge more money for the shareholders. When they realized that Canadians were smarter than they thought and couldn't trick them like they thought they could, Target probably decided to lose as much money as they could, then write it off and get a giant tax break from us taxpayers. That's right. Target managed to stiff Americans a 1.6 billion tax break due to their failure in Canada. Declared bankruptcy in Canada, so suppliers canadian and american alike can't get their money. And make themselves a giant creditior owing themselves 1.9 billion so the poor suppliers get nothing.
The entire business model is built on lack of cinsistancy, training and accountability. Since they insist on giving everyone except for management a random schedule you can never follow up when something is wrong/incomplete. It is a complete lack of respect to not provide consistancy in the scheduling. How ridiculous... They know what hours the store is open, they have historical data to predict what the shopper volume is going to be but they are trying to "save" money by not scheduling the proper amount of people.