August 13, 2013 - hashketchum
They’re doing it again
Damn it, they’re playing dumb with my availability again, trying to make me come in during times that I can’t. I put in my fall semester availability on Saturday, even after I had a talk with my ETL about trying to have my work hours coincide with my schedule as well as my career pursuits. I’m pretty sure he just spaced on the whole thing and never got around to accepting it in the system. That allowed my team leader to see it first, and she flat out denied it and made me submit a new one today. The only problem is, it won’t be applied until the week after I need it to start. I brought this up to my ETL, but you know how that goes. Now I’m going to have to fight HR for 2 weeks, trying to get them to schedule me for times that I can actually work. I’ll be calling out and getting people to cover my shifts. My attendance sucks and it’s a wonder I still have a job. I guess it’s because when I’m there, you can actually tell. I really don’t care about attendance, and as you know, I really don’t care for this job. This piece of shit is all I have to fund my education.
I swear when I ask an ETL for help, I feel like Grandpa Joe when Willy Wonka yelled at him. “YOU GET NOTHING!! YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!!”
Fuckin bullseye…
And they’re even trying to move me up, I figured why not. I might as well get as much out of this place while I’m still here. Then I learn that it’s a made up position by one of the overnight ETLs. Kind of like between a TM and a TL. It’s called “Backroom Captain.” Such bullshit. There isn’t really any added responsibility, so there’s no extra pay. From the way they explained it, it’s almost like more things are your fault if stuff goes wrong. FUCK THAT.
Also, that vibe shit is so, so, 1000x so cheesy. I walked past the HR ETL, who was walking past a hardlines TL helping a “guest.” This lady actually got on the walkie and said, “Everybody I just want to recognize team leader D—. She just made an amazing moment, vibing with a guest. Thank you D—.”
OH MY GOD. I wanted to die.
But yea, I know I’m all over the place here, but that’s a few more of those Target shenanigans. I’m never going in on call again.
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From what I've learned: it doesn't matter how many responsibilities you take on, as long as your official title remains the same, so does your pay.
As others have pointed out, Target's slogan is rather fitting:
Expect more. Pay Less.
Yup and when they Expect More. Pay Less, that is when you do Less. Simply put.
I stopped going on call for the store I was working at due to the tl who wanted his weekend off and wanted me to give my weekend up that I never get so he wouldn't miss one weekend off to drink with his buddies.
Ya I did the same thing at times with other issues with the sceduling. If they get a new hr and don't like what your availability is they will try and mess with your head.
They tried it a few times w me and told em point blank where to stick it.