Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

April 13, 2016 - Nergal

The Rant of a Cart Attendant.

I’ve posted here before regarding different issues but I’m back with a new issue.

The last few weeks to my surprise have been quite nice and that’s coming from someone who can’t stop for a single second to take a break because “carts”. However, naturally weekends are always busy and I mean hectic busy. I can’t help but wonder why is it that on the most busy days we only have 1 cart attendant scheduled at a time. Well, here’s my theory surrounding this issue.

I’ve noticed that upper management some more than others take so much damn payed time off, like it’s not even funny at this point. For example, the ETL Guest Experience (made up fucking position BTW) I shit you not but I see her like 2 times a week sometimes 3 times. Another example, I see ETL HR and STL like once a week sometimes twice. Which leads me to believe that they constantly take payed time off which is bullshit because that very money could be used to pay for another cart attendant who’s busting his/her balls to get 15 carts and have them dissappear the instant they enter the doorway. It’s fucking discouraging and tiring!

It’s manageable during the weekdays but weekends are no joke and anyone who says otherwise clearly hasn’t gone through this. So, please corporate puppets start showing up to work, stop taking money that could be used elsewhere, stop understaffing, stop making us work at 300% just to make up for the fact it’s only one of us.

Let me put it this way, it’s one man against an entire store. Let that sink in. So hard lines and soft lines quit bitchin when you’re asked to help with a carryout Ehmmmmm.


Employee Experience / TargetSucks #horrible / bullshit / carts / Target / understaff /


  • RyderFord says:

    If being a cart attendant is so hard, then try to get another position there.

  • IncomeAndGrowth says:

    HR probably works different stores, but your GSTL missing a lot is odd. I was lucky that people at my store respected the cart attendant. None of them wanted to clean shit.


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