For about a year now, i have been working at Target. Currently i am a TPS. I was originally hired as a Seasonal team member for Backroom. It was a great opportunity because at the time i really needed a job that worked around my college hours. (still do) I slaved away in the backroom for around 8 or 9 months.
I moved to a new city 10 months ago and I started shopping at the local Target every week.
As I had done for the last 10 months, I parked my car in the Target parking lot and let my dog out of the back of my car (on the leash) and let it urinate in a planter. I would then walk back to my car with my dog still on the leash, put it back into my car, lock the car, and enter Target to shop.
Recently, as I was walking with my dog back to my car, a Target security drone walked toward me as I was about 10-12 feet from my car.
He started to lecture me that I couldn’t have my dog with me.
He told me that the parking lot was private property and that I couldn’t have my dog on private property.