Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Tag / operator

  • February 7, 2015 - blackops007

    The Operater.

    so,  I’ve only been working at my store for about 5 months . When I first got hired,  I loved it, everyone was so nice and sweet and willing to help out, I mean we actually were a team. Now,  all that shit went straight down the fuckin sewer with the rest of their dignity, and common fucking sense. So I’m the operator at my store and it fuckin sucks. First of all who in the hells idea was is to answer the phone “hi,  thanks for calling target, can I help you find something?” that is the dumbest shit EVER.! Second of all, I’m so ready to leap through these fuckin phones and punch every bitch in the face. Ppl are so rude and disrespectful. They don’t understand that as an operator there are many things you can’t do,  such as make ppl move any faster to find their item or just pick up the damn phone. News flash bitch your dumb ass is sitting at home making us look for shit for you. You are not our priority. Now,  in some cases I will help them if it’s pretty busy in the store and they’re nice.  But if you’re rude, I’m straight up hanging up on your ass.! The ppl on the sales floor are pieces of shit anyways because they don’t  do anything and the dumb ass LOD’S wonder why we don’t make sales. But I absolutely hate the fact that ppl call and ask us to put shit on hold for them. Bring your lazy fat asses in the fuckin store you dumb ass, ass hats. This rant is nowhere near over. My fingers hurt. 

  • December 4, 2014 - PhoneBitch101

    I Do Not Know (or Care)

    First, just wanna holla out to all my Fitting Room/Operators out there! It is a tough gig that everyone thinks is easy! Boy, am I OVER it!

    Anyway, I work at (and have been since June) a Target in California and naturally as the rest of the country is approaching winter and getting snow, it is raining like CRAZY here. And OH am I SICK of hearing people ask/complain about nonexistent rain gear. I even had this older dude go off on me with some tirade about how he doesn’t understand why Target doesn’t have winter gear (in my head I heard “winter”) and that he’s gonna tell all his friends and family not to go to Target to get “winter” gear because there isn’t any. And that if at a meeting we might have (as if we hold any kind of meetings at Target) if I could speak up on his behalf (as if I, a bottom of the food chain worker have any say in anything) and maybe mention getting some “winter” gear AKA RAIN gear because California does not have winter. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve tried to explain the concept of “seasonal” to people. Like, NO we don’t have fucking bathing suits in November (but actually just wait ’til this week ’cause apparently they’re coming).
