Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

Tag / new hire

  • September 15, 2014 - pimpedbytarget

    Recent Hire

    I graduated in July this year, going to community college and needed a job. So, about a month ago I got hired at Target for backroom team member, I’ve had the old guard bitching at me how their hours were cut ( basically the management that hired me, are the new guys, the old management was fired for doing a shitty job, all the TL, LOD’s, ETL’s and STL) and they were pissed cause the new management isn’t what they like.  So far its going ok, I avoid the bullshit out on the floor cause I’m in the back, busting my balls, kissing ETL & TL ass (although both are great, TL works with us most of the time, and my etl – logistics – she’s really cool, hard worker — up to 60 hours a week, once from 3 am to 5 pm almost never takes lunch or break—-, since she’s got a lot of pressure on her to make sure things are good), anyways to get back —-  and never agreeing to go cashier or be crosstrained, fuck that shit, especially after reading the posts on here.
