Note that this legit is not happening to me but is happening to a co-worker of mine instead. Years ago my co-worker had the Target Redcard (the credit card one) and defaulted on it before they ever became a Target employee. They were having financial troubles at the time thanks to the housing market crisis that took place across the good ol’ USA (thanks banks for screwing the little man over yet again with that [whole other topic however]!). So they defaulted on the red card and eventually the debt was paid off fully. Keyword being fully here, guys. A little more than a year ago this person became a Target employee. Not more than about 2 weeks ago now a letter was sent to the store regarding this default that took place years before they ever became an employee at Target. First red flag. Shouldn’t this kind of personal mail be sent to your home address and not your business’ address, even though it comes from the company at which you are an employee? The letter states that about 25% of his paychecks will be garnished to pay off this debt, which by the way was already paid off years before he ever became employed there. It also stated that if they want to refute the company’s actions or even the said debt itself, they must hire a private attorney.
I just finished reading TargetEqualsShell’s comment and it’s like I’m looking in a mirror! I’ve almost been with Target for seven years. I’m at six right now. But the constant flak I take from Team Leads is beyond the pale. I’m originally from New York, okay? When we had jobs over there, people cussed their heads off. Cussing was part of everyday language. Now that I live in the deep south (Hades), I have spent years dumbing down my New York accent and eliminating all cusswords from my everyday vocabulary. I let loose when I get home, but I keep it clean at work.
That’s not my problem. These TLs have such NERVE. They think they actually have legitimate power over our souls!