I was reluctant to write this but I figured if I could deter even one person from working at Target as cart attendant then I have succeeded.
I started working for target about 2 years ago,(quit just before my 2 years) took the job because I figured I could use some money and experience since it was my first job. The hiring process took about 2 weeks which wasn’t too bad. Although I have heard from several people that the hiring process took at least a month.
It was my first day of training. I go to the operator, tell her what’s up. She tells me to go to the registers and wait for a trainer. Some other employee directed me to my trainer because I was standing around like an idiot waiting for one. Guess what? My trainer was already training someone! And she had no idea she had to train someone else!
After that’s sorted out, the trainer had me shadow her, but she wasn’t really explaining anything. She just had me watch her and hoped that I got it. So when I took over, I fumbled a bit. It was to be expected, and I was pretty nervous, but she hardly did any explaining until I made mistakes. Thanks, I guess?