I started working overnights doing back stock at a NYC target recently, and I already hate it.
The TLs don’t really give you any direction. I’ve been relying on coworkers for most of my knowledge. Luckily most of them have been nice. My issue is with the work load.
Ahhhh Target….
I never looked back at this place. In fact, if it weren’t for them firing me, I probably would still be working there, making my good ol’ $7.50 an hour Night differential. Or maybe even get a raise and go to $8.00!
First job I got hired for I don’t even remember what it was called (3rd shift – received truck loads and stocked shelves) because within two weeks, I was asked if I wanted to transfer to Backstocking. This either was their way of getting me off the floor or “promoting me” to a better position. I don’t know and I don’t care. Long story short, I wasn’t completing my tasks within the allotted amount of time granted by the Almighty Computer-generated Timesheet and before the end of my 90 days, my “Employment with Target was Terminated”.
How did I get here?