August 18, 2015 - brendan
Some of the guests who shop at target are fucking idiots
So basically I work in electronics and I deal with tons of major purchases, and we have a deal on cartwheel for 10% off all electronics.
All I care about is making sure that I all I attempt to do is save everyone as much money as they can so target doesent make as much.
Basically I had a guest spending $3000 on two tvs and accessories, and I told them they could easily save $300 by just using the cartwheel coupon app, and everyone still thinks it’s some type of scam like the red card is. After fully explaining the app to them, they still claimed that they were fine and that they didn’t want the app on their phone, and I even said they could make a fake target account just to save $200, and they refused
The guest wasn’t wealthy they were just really fucking stupid.
I personally don’t care if they have a red card, I just rather them save as much as they can.
I don’t understand why people shop at target if they’re afraid of the stuff they offer.

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Make a fake account you say? It doesn't matter, if they put that APP on their phone it's still a source that can taken advantage of. Hacks...... Consumer tracking information....... I promise you it's not 100% safe and secure. That's exactly why someone would avoid such a thing. Perhaps $300 is nothing to them or is it $200, some consistency in your complaint would be nice. I'm fully aware of how stupid guest can be, however you don't seem all that bright either.
I don't understand how one simple typo would make me not seem bright. The application can't "hack". Your phone. Of course they will track what you buy. But you don't seem to understand how mobile phones work. Each application has a certain amount of permissions that it can use. There's no way your phone can be hacked unless you're stupid enough to install something that requests absurd permissions.
Personally, I hate the cartwheel app and the red card. My idea of work is very different from today's world. For me, it's that you me and all the workers and leaders get along and don't have any hissy fits about your late, why did you leave early, oh you bastard why didn't you do what I told you to. NO NO NO. To me all the workers and leaders should get along and be glad to be comforable talking to each other. The guests should be treated like crap. Guest: Hey now that was $10 on the shelf damn it. Me: Really? Well it doesn't matter where you got it from, this is the real price $20 dollars, people put things in the wrong place all day long. You think this is really that cheap? Yeah right give me a break. Every single guest lies, cheats, and steels. Lie about prices so they can get stuff cheaper most of the time because there cheap assholes with no job and live on government fuck shit dam losers, the cheat there way by yelling about I need the price to be real my way or else than a LOD comes and says yes I'm sorry about that,50% OFF. and they steel everyday in the aisle behind another person, stuffs there purse fast with candy so I don't see it. I know these things because I've been there long enough and every single guess I've ever made about things like price and steeling becomes true. It makes me psychic somewhat. Leaders always tell me but you can't act like that, we have to change prices for people so they keep coming here when they need stuff. NO NO NO NO NO. It's about keeping the right price and never questioning prices, take the real price of the item you want or you don't get it. and the guest like oh fine than damn it if it's that much I don't want it. Like WTF? Hello!!!!?!?!?!?! HELLO!?!?!?!!?!?!? It's the 21st century now, everything is expensive now, duh duh duh duh! Nothing is as cheap as the 90s anymore. GROW THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!! God life will be so much better when were old and our children finally understand that prices are high to begin with!!!!
yep and there are the idiots who don't believe their bill is that expensive and complain and supervisor gets the lucky task of dealing with them.