Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

August 15, 2014 - wailinjay

Recently employed

I am a senior in high school, I’m 17 years old and recently got a job at target. It’s my first job so I’m really excited about it. I get paid $8 an hour. Right now I just do cashiering. I feel as though I didn’t get proper training. I often struggle when people ask me questions or try to sign up for a redcard. I don’t know much about target I just know how to make sales. It was my second day and I felt they expected me to be really good at cashiering and seemed to get annoyed when I would have to call someone over even if it was for alcohol sales. I only know two people at target. My boyfriend works there and he’s the one that got me the job. I also know the other trainee I was with. I wish that during orientation they would have introduced us to some of the people that worked there. I’m afraid to ask the GSA or the LODs anything. Their tactics for work ethic are intimidation. I also feel like the “team members” aren’t fond of new employees. I will walk in to the break room and try to be friendly and say hi and I’m completely ignored. I feel like everything there is so disorganized. I haven’t been working there long and I feel exhausted. Because this is my first job I think that maybe this is what a job is like. But I’ve been reading some of these posts and I realized that these are very common problems among target employees.


Employee Experience / TargetSucks


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