March 11, 2017 - SoAnxiousToday
Our “new” HR girl is a bitch
Long story short… We lost our good hr woman and gained a bitchy girl that doesn’t even pretend to want to do her job.
I’ll call this little bitch Lori lol close enough… Anyway, she started working as our store’s Hr person (not a manager / just hr computer person aka sots there and does nothing) a few months ago and ever since she started shes had a fucking attitude and a resting bitch face.
She has her favorites which she gives more hours to, so very brand. And multiple team members have voiced their complaints but nothing has been done.
Quite a few of us have heard Lori and other tms making fun of fellow tms in TSC and its getting out of hand.
She wont even say a word to me half the time and believe me, If i didnt absolutelyhave to interact with this cunt, I wouldn’t at all but sometimes I need to get something or ask her a question in regards to hr stuff, timekeeping GOD FORBID SHE DOES HE FUCKING JOB LOL and she is either completely silent or gives me short, annoyed responses.
Lori treats me like I’m mentally challenged and I’m not the only one that feels this way.
You know its bad when you wont even take your sick time because you’d rather not even speak to this bitch….
I am so close to telling her to lose the fucking attitude but of course I’ll get in trouble and her miserable dumbass will still be employed.
Oh well… there’s my half awake rant.
I hope she sees this.

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We had one a bitch HR-TM at our store also... Remember she is only a TM...also I think is the culture at Target,,, they chose these people who behave purposely to belittle the workers or at least those workers who she knows she can humiliate.. our Bitch at our store was also a piece of work,,,, i normally was scheduled evening shifts,, but about 2 months into my job,, they gave me opening.. i was at the store 10 minutes before start and the doors were closed,,i saw our HR-TM walking up to the front of store outside and explained to her my problem, she snapped back that i was told during orientation about the door bell outside the store....with that reply,,, i knew i wasn't in Kansas anymore,,,Target has the imagine that they are superior to Walmart,,, ok maybe in presentation,,, but underneath,,, it's prob the same...
Theres a reason I only shop at Walmart and not Target unless Im picking up something small while at work.
HR only exists to make your life worse. Think of HR like counter intelligence in the military. They only exist to fuck with you and make your life harder so that you never take a step back and try to put the fucking to the company and make your life better by Unionizing, Striking, or doing anything together. HR breeds chaos and out of that chaos comes order.
Only one HR was good in the 5 years and 3 to 4 HR people we have had so far and now we have this annoying old hag that talks down to you and who is about as bossy and demanding of a bitch as they come. All the rest were incompetent and short lived aside from one girl who knew her job but didn't stay long.