September 2, 2016 - ihate1458
I’m over the Fuck shit that is Traget
So much shit I don’t know where to start
Management is the fucking worse majority of the ETL’S and team leads have TERRIBLE attitudes and leading skills. So I come back from vacation this week to see we have a new STL. I though great we don’t have to deal with overbearing and micromanage old STL. Wrong I’m informed immediately he’s a complete ass whole. He has been there all of two weeks now and Team leads and Team members are not fond of him at all.
Etl of HR let the cat out of the bag that she has NO ideal what she’s doing. So for twenty years she has been faking it until she makes it. I look forward to when I graduate from college being just like her. Also there is no use what’s so every talking to her about a problem with management. So me and my former Team lead had an issue so as an result she wrote me up for petty shit and would change my time with out informing me and scheduling me one or two days to none. So a month of it passes and I’m over so I go talk to ETL of Hr and her solution was have a conversation with my Team lead. I explain to her that would be hard seeing as tho my Team lead is completely dismissive of me. She then proceeds to tell me she knows my Team lead can be ruff and she would rather not talk to my Team lead as it would make the issue worse. So if I can’t talk to HR the ETl of fucking HR then who? Cause my former ETL didn’t care to talk to the Team lead nor did the old STL. So I had to switch to another department to avoid losing my job or going to jail all together.
Etl of Guest services is the fucking WORSE he is annoying. Always wanting to use your twitter to re-tweet stupid target fuck shit. I sometime pick of cashiering shifts since we don’t have hours. The problem is I come back from vacation this week and see he has scheduled me without me volunteering or being asked if I would like to work cashiering. He has a problem taking it up on his shelf to scheduled people without notice and HR or other ETL’S and TL’s don’t seem to care. So now I’m set to work doubles 10 Am to 3 Pm cashier then closing for my department this entire coming week. I told him I can’t work his cashier shits as it’s a conflict with my availability I have School 9 Am to 2 Pm so remove them he said okay and has not removed them. I’m not going to even go in on the stupid fucking red cards.
So my new department is Food I work in Starbucks were Starbucks provides our hours. Target and Starbucks have a contract that states Target cannot touch our hours. Well of course Target being Target cuts our hours anyways. I’m not going to even go any further on hours and the lack of hours.
The nepotism that goes on at T1458 is absurd. I say all of this to say don’t work at T1458.

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