Target Sucks - We Hate Target and We Know We're Not Alone.

February 13, 2016 - qveencam

I fucking hate redcards

Seriously fuck redcardsWhen I started there it was back in November. Ive now been at target for about 3 going on 4 months and all I’ve ever heard is “our goal for the day is to get 40 redcards” that is fucking impossible. I asked when I first started, now I don’t ask at all because if we’re being honest redcards fucking suck man and if a guest wants one they are going to ask me. You roughly save about $5 to $10 every purchase depending on how large your order is. I’ve got lod’s hanging over my head telling me I need to educate them about it AS IF THEY CANNOT READ EVERY FUCKING SIGN AROUND THE GODDAMN STORE. If target really wanted to fucking sell redcards they’d up the percentage,  5% is not alot at all and they might sell more if it were 15% or 25%


Employee Experience / TargetSucks #dumbredcards / #ihateredcards / #noredcards /


  • viciousdave says:

    Plus that, you're not really saving 5% if you pay the credit card monthly like a normal person does, with the 22.99 % interest on every purchase you'd be overpaying by about $2 dollars more because of the 5% off in the beginning, if there was no 5% off on the card than that interest would make a near 7 to 10 dollars extra every purchase. I know that all wouldn't be for the debit one but who wants to share to target your own bank information? So pretty much overall, you are at a loss or at a torn way of target knowing your bank account. Both bad to me. Get a credit card with 7 to 16% interest rate, it works better as payments won't be so high and your not loosing ovver $20 a month.

  • Silverfox says:

    no wonder they say america lives on fucking credit.
    Lesson #1 : pricematch, pricematch.
    Lesson #2: Pay the bill in full at the end of the month. You pay interest the 5% will be canceled out. That's what target banks on. And the majority of people are too stupid to pay their bill in full at the end of the month.
    Lesson #3: 5% here and there adds up to quite a bit. If you spend $400 per month at target in groceries, you'll have saved $240 dollars. But let's say you spend almost 600+ a month at a super target per month. On one year's worth of groceries you'll have saved $360 dollars.
    Lesson #4. Pay your bill at customer service right after you use the target red credit card with debit/cash/cheque if you don't trust target.

  • RedcardWarrior says:

    Seriously the only way I ever found to get redcards out the door was to advertise it as a tax discount because that's all it is. I agree, if they upped the percentage I'd probably go back and shop there again now that I'm not working there and I'd probably also get a redcard

  • Mrbigg82 says:

    For the record I work for target mobile and need to set a few things sttaigby. Yea we make more than you and thats because we don't work for your shitty ass company. We are not target employees and don't have to do the shit that you do. We have our own problems with our own shitty company. We stand there becasue we can and there is not a damn thing you or target can do about it. Yes we get paid commission because each phone we sell cost about 600 dollars. We do not and I repeat we DO NOT make any money in televions or other items sold in electronics. Your shitty company wants us to work electronics and push carts like you guys and not get paid for doing so. Believe me some us hate working at you shitty ass company as much as you do. Oh and by the way I make 12 an hour plus commission to stand there andvwatch target team members running around like chickens with their damn heads cut off, all the while mocking the shitty management structure


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