May 11, 2013 - RedCardMan
Getting redcards and the GSTL off your back – A GIFT!
I’ve been with Big Red for about 2 years solely as a cashier. In that time I’ve been totally jerked around: I had 12 years experience in retail, handled $200,000 accounts in my former real job and have been screamed at by people over REAL issues and not just where their damned bread is, and managed a crew of five bringing in trucks and maintaining a stockroom – none of which counted for anything when I was hired. Mgmt didn’t even know my history or care. I was offered a position in electronics which never materialised unless they wanted me to fill in for their breaks, I pushed carts in a pinch in the rain though I’m over 30, My first raise evaporated when they bumped up starting pay to $8.25 (so I was only making as much as a new hire, and expected to train them!).
It turns out my promotion to electronics and the dollar more an hour it promised was rejected because the GS exec knows I get them more redcards than any other employee at the time, and she wanted me to stay in her location as a cashier. Now, they have all our cashiers doing what I did and I’m almost sorry I ever took it to another level beyond (nasal voice) “Do you want to apply for a redcard?”. To all my fellow cashiers, I apologize. People like me got us into this mess.
But I’m only in this for the health benefits while I wait for a real job to appear (looks like I’ll keep waiting) and this is not the be all end all of my working life, so I can afford to hate Target while also doing enough of a good job that I don’t have to listen to their bullshit. EVERYTHING I do is to insure I don’t have to listen to their bullshit, I do a good job and I go home.
I singlehandedly turned around our store’s conversion score with the way I ask people to sign up for the debit card. I was almost asked by management to mentor the other cashiers but they didn’t want to create a monster they’d have to pay (me) so they’d just hover around listening to what I was saying. It takes alot of personality, but if you’re on the front end you must be there for a reason, right? The way I get enough redcards (a 2.3 average almost all 2012 and into 2013) to keep them off my back is this:
1) Wait until you see how the guest is paying. DO NOT launch into the card pitch when they first walk up, it scares them off. NO ONE wants another credit card these days. They’ll say no right away, as you know. You’re going to have to get a little personal so pick your “targets”, don’t ask anyone in a rush or screaming at their kids or who’s distracted – you’ll be wasting your time and pissing them off.
2) If they’re paying by AMEX or DISCOVER then forget it – ask nicely “Any interest in our store card? – Gets you 5% off the bill everytime!”. They’ll say no, but now the GSTL can’t accuse you of not asking. It’s a no pressure and quick way of getting your point across.
3) If they’re paying with another credit card ask the same way – you may get lucky. A lot of people really respect that we give the 1% to schools so mention that to moms and old ladies. It’s sometimes more of an incentive than the 5%.
4) NOW – wait until their card is out and wait to see if the prompt is for debit after they first swipe. Notice which bank.
You say “Well, because you no longer need a credit card with our store to get the 5% off the bill – there’s a debit version that debits YOUR OWN ACCOUNT – NOT A CREDIT CARD – you just use OUR card with YOUR account –THAT ACCOUNT – and you save 5% off the bill everytime.” DO NOT launch into this if they have already begun entering their pin number – people fucking HATE to be interrupted entering numbers. If they have begun with the pin numbers and prompts there is still hope so I just say “Oh, I’ll wait until your done to mention…” and then finish the pitch.
Finally, ask sweetly, “SO – do you HAVE a check on you today????” Be cute about it, smile. Look them in the face.If the answer is no, give them a booklet and remind them to bring one next time. Tell them to NOT fill out ANYTHING – to come back to YOU because you’ll tell them all about it like no one else will. If they have it, remind them it only takes a couple of minutes and they get the check back and they save on the spot. I usually say “Great! Let’s DO this!” Get aggressive, hold your hand out for the check and license. Remind them it can be written on or anything.Now, a few anomallies and hints: People who are paying by check will not want to go for this. They are set in their ways. I mention all this VERY briefly but I don’t expect much out of them. It’ll make you crazy, but let it go.
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Good advice I've been at target for about two to three years. I've been struggling to get people to sign up. i'd get the lucky one here and there however i'll take your advice, I've been on a good streak lately.