February 21, 2016 - Lucidity
Because I work here
Because I work here, I am stressed out. Because I work here, any accomplishments are temporary and short-lived. Because I work here, the rent on my crappy studio apartment is 68% of my net income. Because I work here, I am poor. Because I work here, I cannot afford their health insurance or a proper psychiatric treatment. Because I work here, the voices are louder and more constant. Because I work here, I know what aisle the duct tape is on. Because I work here, I know when there will be nobody in the back room. Because I work here, I am compelled to cover up the sensor and put the baler on automatic and hop in. Because I work here, I don’t want to see the day after tomorrow.
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I'm not a fan of Obama, but his health care act actually helped me out. If you make less than $12,500 a year you are classified as poor under the government, health care from the health care system Obama created is free, and maybe sometimes at some hospitals you will be required to pay $3 dollar sur charges and that's it! If you are middle class or higher though you would have to pay $50 or more each visit to your listed hospital your agree with on your plan you chose.